Aug 21, 2005 01:08
well goodness this week has been quite fun! i hung out with some of the bestest people in the whole wide world! yes..shrinky dinks and such. listening to some hardcore avril!that was funn..yesterday..or friday i saw chelsey and jenna..i haven't seen them since the time of the caveman! yupp..and i saw miss blondie :) and kinsey and then all them people, blondie, j-dawg and burnt cookie as i like to call them had to leave so me and tina went down to hill and went on the swings. we saw a hardcore guy playing some basketball. and we were being all emo, as tina likes to say on the swings talking about the good ol' days. ahha that was fun..then we were leaving so tina gets onto her bike and we're talking and crap and she just swerves right into a brick wall..i cracked up yesyes..then we were on the sidewalk. and theres this big stick laying there. so tina is all like im gonna ride over the stick..well that didnt go to well..the stick like fliped over and was very funny. so now im going to gooooo
you may say there's no such thing as crazed killers, but as for me and grandpa we believe.
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