Jun 11, 2005 08:26
I'm at work, of course, and bored, of course, so I figured now would be as good a time as any to update on what has been going on with me recently.
First, and coolest, I think I have finally beaten my nicotine addiction, and kicked the habit for good. Although I still crave the coffin nails, I have definatly decided that breathing is much better for you, and not nearly as expensive. Probably the final straw was last night, I went for eight hours without a puff, and then was relieved, I asked the guard coming on for a smoke. Man, my throat, chest, everything just closed right up. My body knows what is right, even if I don't.
Next. Come this Monday, I hope to have a new job working for a constructon union. The one I am going after is the elevators Labor Union #91. Based out of Hartford, they are the ones that install, repair, and maintain elevators, escalators, and moving sidewalks. I have been told by several people that they make excellent money (the median figure I've been told is 45/hour), have a strict forty hour week (it's a union, so what else is new), are shortstaffed across the state, and as a direct result, have year round work (unlike a lot of labor unions, due to weather and too many workers.) Oh, and I wouldn't have to wear a tie or suit. Uniform of the day seems to be jeans, T-shirt, and steel toed boots. I could live with that. With luck, that will come about.
Um, yeah, that's all I can think of. Boring life, huh? Yeah, I know, but it's the only one I got right now, so with that, I'll catch y'all on the flipside. Peace.