Dec 21, 2017 08:55
Not sure if I was inadvertently part of some show.
While walking along Orchard Road a bespectacled guy in tee shirt and jeans with a backpack approached me very hurriedly.
"Hi btwyouarereallycute.whereareyougoing?"
I laughed and asked if it was part of a dare.
"No. Ijustthinkyou'rereallycutewhereareyougoing"
"Erm, to meet my boyfriend?"
"That's a template everyone uses" (Clearly, someone has tried this many times) "Man friend. It's just a man friend right."
Me, extremely bemused and amazed that he's still keeping pace with me "Haha am I being filmed. Is this part of a dare?"
"No it's not really. Do you have any single friends to introduce me? I'm 25 and I'm from a boys school so it's even harder for me."
I apologised, laughed and walked off.
If I appear on any video, please let me know.