Jun 11, 2014 01:16
You know your friends are keepers when you send them a photo of your flat chest* and all they focus on are how sexy your lips look.
*this was part of a wider conversation.
You know your friend is a keeper when you send a last minute text blast that you'd be dinnering alone, he shows up despite 1. being on his way home and 2. having already had dinner, to 3. eat with you even though he claims to be fat, 4. get insulted by you the whole night and 5. paying for dinner, never mind that you pretty much ate most of what was on the bill.
While it may have been interesting at first, a paradigm shifter almost, I never got comfortable with being constantly challenged, questioned and sneered at with respect to my relationships with some friends and even my family. Sure, my relationship with such person may not make sense on the face of it or may not be easily understood by a third party based on any logical reasoning.
But relationships are just like that, aren't they? There's always something a little more, something a little deeper than what's immediately visible by a third party. That's what makes relationships some kind of magic I guess :)