Jun 14, 2002 11:53
Harlem is scary. I walked into Popeye's on behalf of the employees of RiskMetrics Group (actually, Mike mc wanted an 8 pc. w/ 'muffins'.. haha), and needless to say, late night at Popeye's on '16th' is hoppin'. I was waiting in line, and they ran out of biscuits. Good lord! The women behind the counter were yelling to the back "WHERE THEM BISCUITS AT?" The cooks were like "30 SECONDS!!", and then another woman asked "WHERE THEM BISCUITS AT?!?!", and then another woman said "HE SAID 30 SECONDS!!". Anyhow, when the biscuits made it out, it was like feeding time at the zoo. Mental Note: Don't go back to Popeye's (w/o kevlar).
Today is the last full working day before vacation. I'm thinking about bringing a huge bucket of water to Colorado (yah know, to help out with the fires and all..) I am looking forward to seeing relatives, and to take a break from NY. I'd like to give a shout out to my boyz at Merrill Lynch that decided to sign w/us. Good move, Merrill!
Looking forward to the weekend, and to the fun fun fun of summer 2002!