May 13, 2002 22:48
Mondays. Can't live with them, can't live without them. I will not complain about today though; everything went well. I managed to generate the introduction page to WealthBench Help (kinda interesting to dev the intro after everything else is pretty much finished!)
I went over to the dentist today for a checkup - no cavities. However, they are thinking about pullin' the old wisdom teeth eventually. I don't have any problems with them, but who the hell knows. They are probably trying to milk me for every penny... might as well take my tonsils out too while you're in there.
This weekend I'm heading up to our off-site, which is in Tarrytown. Lots of work people gonna be drunk on Saturday night, which should make for some interesting stories on Sunday. Looking forward to that, and to the Easter Seals skate coming soon. If you would like to make a small donation, please do. Those of you who have, thank you, and I will thank you again once all of the donations are collected. The skate is 13 miles.. through the Lincoln Tunnel, down to the ferry, and back. Shouldn't be too shabby.
I'm looking forward to Jenn coming down on the 27th, even though she's been all 'not around' and stuff. Jenn, if you are reading this, call me. Thanks.
NYU sent me information. Getting ready to be an expert 'risk manager'. Should be educational (that's the point I guess :-) Looking forward to the Colorado/Florida trip in June. Rock on!!