Mar 27, 2004 23:16
Well yesterday (Friday) school was pretty chill, I got there all pissed off because I knew I was going to sit in Illions class for half the day and that shit is totally not fun! Well to my delight the "schedule" for the day was to just watch Pirates Of The CAribbean and kick back since the people were cutting down the treess outside... well Jen, Jana and I got bored of that real quick and just frolicked around hoping time would just fly by... I was going to leave at 12 because I was so bored but Jen (once again) convinced me to just stay and deal with it! I dealt.. I'm glad I did though because I didn't have to take the bus because Matt took me home! Saved me a smelly experience.... :)! So yeah after that I came home and kicked it until Dane came and got me with his homies.. ultimately my day was fun because I was with him and some chill ass people.. the best part of the whole scenario is the guy that owned the house we were kickin it at (Dane's friend) has a girlfriend too so they totally understand that we like to come home and spend time with eachother... thats always good!
Today..... I woke up at 9:30..... to go to a job interview at ToGo's at 11:00.. I got there and the women my interview was with (the owner) wasn't there so the manager gave me a soda and told me to just chill until she got there... well while I was sitting there I was contempalting in my head.. ***oh my god, I see three fat mexicans working here.. the manager is mexican and she's not going to like me, damnit*.. About five minutes later in walks this little petite, older white, blonde woman and says hi I'm Cc" I was like * SCORE*... we sat down and talked for like 20 minutes and she was like "You know what you are really sweet and I love your attitude about things, YOURE HIRED, I'll put you in this following weeks schedule" I was fucking stoked, I couldnt stop smiling!!!! I GOT A FUCKING JOB!! It's great, now I can finally start saving for my truck!! WOO HOO!!! That shit was awesome.. I came home bragged for a little while to Dane and then went back to his firends house to kick it! So yeah here I am bored waiting to get my schedule tomorrow! YAY FOR ME~ Ok this shit is hella long so I'm done.....
With Pride, Jess