Monday... *Tears* Another fucking lame ass day in the life of Jessica! I didn't fall asleep until like 4 this morning.. thanks for the "sleeping pill" mom! Woke up exhausted at like 7:45 totally not wanting to even think about school... honestly the only reason i got up was because I knew I had this pass to get off an hour early.. and the sooner I went in.. the sooner I got to leave...
Well I was really hoping to get a lot of work done but I only did one chapter of biology and didn't feel like reading some lame ass book... today was just not my day.. the farm.. while usually fun and entertaining was really boring and routine like.. nothing fun happened at all.. same ol' shit different day... got attacked crazy style by the geese.. and felt totaly bad for stealing the same chickens eggs again.. sounds fun huh? If so.. your sadly mistaken....
Tomorrow the entire school is going to see some play thing.. the lame thing is.. i'm not close enough with anyone to expect someone to keep me company.. friends suck... plus it's not worth the drama to get close enough to anyone. i have acquintances at school.. not friends... I'm not considered by them to be a friend so why set myelf up for failure.. anyways.. woo-hoo play.. boring.. lonely... I really don't want to go!!! :(
It seems like everyday I get bugged about the same thing that supposedly happened like a year ago.. you know people never drop shit! Drama involves so many aspects of this world it sickens me.. people live for it.. they fiend for it... it's seriously what their life is based on.. which is a very good reason to be a loner.. kind of depressing .. but true!
Well the rest of my day will consist of sleeping.. talking to my lover... some Ebay searching.. and a lil' more sleeping! As terrible as this may sound... sometimes jail seems like the better option.. at least in there nobody knew enough about me to talk shit! Well tomorrow I am going job hunting.. without any time on my hands... there will be no way for people to get involved in my life! The thing that truly sucks about this whole situation is that I have absolutely nothing to make my emotions go away... to get a respectable job I need to be sober, to get off probation I need to be sober, to keep my boyfriend I need to be sober... It's a fucked up world and I'm living in a sober bubble... Tears for me.... Anyways....
WHITE POWER (at least I have one thing I'm truly proud of)
Much Pride... Jessica Davis