Jun 16, 2005 15:56
Violating the rules by being on the bosses computer once again...
I just got back from my new student orientation. I had a blast. At first, I was like "fuck this place" and I was extremely bored. Then Sam and I found an awesome coffee house which had sugar free toranni so I was pumped. Then we had some meetings and we had an amazing speaker who talked about being a hampster or a fish... something about comfort zones and fishbowls, I was too distracted by the pictures.
Then some more boring stuff, I went to a lecture for like 5 minutes and left because I was booored out of my mind.Then we had dinner where I met the craziest girls that I absolutely fell in love with. I roomed in a forced tripled with them and I loved them to death and I'm going to visit them this summer in Beantown! And then we had some small group ice breaker thingy which was cool and I met some girl from Canton who knew my ex boyfriend... kinda weird... but she was awesome too. Then we had some more lectures and more crap and then this man talked about his cocaine and drinking problems and he was amazing and made me cry.
Then I went out to get ice cream with the girls and then went to the Super Walmart.. oh la la. Then we all stayed up talking. Then today we had our first class and met with our advisors and discussed our majors (I'm a double major, History and Atmospheric and Physical Science) and we got all of our classes and I'm so excited!! I really want to minor in biology as well but that might be too much...
And now I'm here. At work. Oh joy. All this excitement. This is too much. I must go.