Pretties wanted :)

May 13, 2010 17:23

Hey guys :)
Just sort of getting the ball rolling, really. So if anyone fancies taking a stab at any of these, that'd be fab.
1) The awesomeness of Flis's 'And the Battle Began' has brought home to me my sad lack of Katie/Naomi icons. I can't make icons for toffee. Anyone fancy taking a shot?
2) And just because Katie/Emily is pretty much my fave wrong!ship ever, Katie/Emily icons would be wonderful too (preferably focusing on the most inappropriate aspects of their relationship).
3) And to go with that: Katie/Emily fic. Intense and slightly angsty, but also romantic and poignant, if that's possible. Also smutty. Mustn't forget smutty ;)
4) KEFFY!!! OTP guys, and most of my favourite writers seem to have moved away from Keffy to other pairings (not that I won't read and appreciate any pairing as long as it's well-written, it's just that I have a special place in my heart for these girls). Anything really. Angsty, romantic, dark, hate!sexy, whatever takes your fancy. A hopeful ending, and recognition of burgeoning, and undeniable, romantic feelings is always nice though. If you can fix it so that a story that ends that way includes ridiculous amounts of scorchingly hot hate!sex then so much the better.

Reading that back, it strikes me that fandom has sent me careening way down the road to moral bankruptcy. Incest and hate!sex. Oh, my parents would be so proud :p

old wishlist

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