Fic- Katie/Naomi- any kind of porn/comedy. Possibly AU if you feel like getting the crack out and smoking it. This is my big request because I love them together.
Fic Lily/Kaya- With a theme of like, lost youth. youth in revolt. Basically, Hot Idiocy
Fic- Naomi, Cook- friendship/bonding
LJ accoutrement- I seriously need a new header/background/whatever. The one I had was from an LJ user that is no longer an active Photobucket member.
Mixes- Any kinds of character mixes, but I feel like I'm most similar in life outlook to Cook or Naomi- therefore, I feel like we'd listen to the same tunes.
Mail/ Christmas greetings- I love getting mail. Love it. I especially love getting it from other countries.
Books- I lost my copy of The Master & Margarita. If anyone has an old copy they don't mind parting with, I'd be super pleased to take it off your hands.
Pictures- I love pictures of cool buildings, awesome landscape, live performances.
Record jackets- I used to collect these and now have enough to create a makeshift chaise.
Value-less items of historical import- This might sound like a paradox but I really love old stuff that's worthless but neat-looking.
Sketches/ Paintings- Pencil, charcoal, whatever. If you get bored and doodle something cool.....
A wedding date- The season of weddings is approaching. I've already gotten three save-the-dates. In need of a drinking buddy and partner-in -crime.
Socks- I only have one pair and have to leave it in my shoes so I won't lose it.
A Penpal who speaks French- I want to be able to read Harry Potter et la Chambres des Secrets without skipping a third of the words.