a reminder & pimp!

Feb 14, 2011 01:26

Just a reminder that, between holidays, you're welcome to use this as a request and/or prompt comm so that all of your Skins wishes can keep coming true! With Gen3 and US Skins running simultaneously, I'm sure there's all kinds of new ideas for fic/graphics/vids, so feel free to post any prompts you might have! I'm looking for a co-mod (comment below or drop me a PM), and if anyone has any suggestions or ideas to make this comm more useful, have at it!

Also! Everyone should check out skinsland! If you're not familiar with land comms, participants are split up into teams and then compete in challenges, which may be anything from graphics to fic to games to discussion and more. You don't have to know how to do everything, and you don't need to participate in every challenge, but it's bound to be a lot of fun and a great way to meet other Skins fans. Do it! (And tell them Shan sent you.)

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