Title: Two’s Company, Three’s a Crowd.
x_moonshine_xRating: Heavy PG-13/light R for language, a bit of dirty talk and compromising positions.
Word count: 2,771.
PairingThreesome: Tony/Maxxie/Chris with an awful lot of Maxxie/Chris and some Tony/Maxxie, too, of course.
Disclaimer: The show doesn’t belong to me (although I wish it did sometimes); I just take great pleasure in bringing the characters out to play every now and then.
A/N: So, this is an idea
kaitsy_kait asked me to follow up quite a while back and I finally got the urge to go ahead and do that. The idea comes from a scene in my fic
Who Needs Enemies.
Summary: Maxxie finds his mind wandering to not so unfamiliar territory when Tony begins to show interest in his after dark activities. Two's company, three's a crowd... unless it's a Friday night and Tony's involved at least.
Two's Company, Three's a Crowd )