What do you guys think of the way sexuality is portrayted in Skins? I remember JB once made the tweet in response to someone asking if Naomi were gay, and he said he would never want to put a label on someone's sexuality. Would you agree with him?
As far as Skins US is going, it looks like there are a lot of people that have strong feelings towards Tea and the way they are writing her lesbianism. Some people are even going as far to say that Tony is 'pratically' a rapist for trying to get an answer out of Tea (or as some people would say, trying to force a response he wants out of her) as to what happened between them. I've also found some people that will be against shipping Tony/Tea for the simple fact that, in canon, Tea is a lesbian, when these same people ship Tea/Michelle or Franky/Mini (when in canon Michelle, is definitely straight; though I don't think any of the three girls have explicity stated so). What makes that double standard okay, or do you even consider it a double standard?
When Emily slept with JJ, there was basically an uproar (same for when Naomi kissed Cook, both in 306 and 403) in the fandom. Thoughts on those encounters? Do JB/BE write homosexuality well? Or do you find the way they write sexuality offensive?