I've noticed there hasn't been much discussion here in the past few days, pretty much since the 5x01 premiere. Since we're getting so much new Skins (what with US!Skins and generation 3), I thought it would be cool to do a little questionnaire and look back at generations 1 and 2, especially since there's been so much comparison going on regarding generation 3 and the previous gens. Feel free to answer as many/as few as you like, or just say whatever you feel like saying regarding the previous seasons!
What were your favorite parts of each series (1, 2, 3, 4)?
Who were your favorite/least favorite characters in each generation? (Rank if you wish)
Which episodes of Skins stand out to you as being the best? The worst?
What do you wish would have happened/changed in each generation?
Who do you wish had gotten together? (This is realistically, so keep it within the gens!)
Favorite couples? Least favorites?
Which character is the most like you? The least?
Add any additional comments you may have that I didn't cover in the questions! This is meant to be a nostalgia/coulda-woulda-shoulda post.
Look at what the glorious JB just posted on twitter...