I thought it would be helpful to have one post that had all the series 4 spoilers neatly collected and sorted out. These are all spoilers that have been posted here before (so nothing new, unfortunately, unless you've missed some of the spoiler posts). If I'm missing some, please let me know and link me to the source so that I can confirm, thanks!
Spoilers have been divided into categories by characters, episodes, general group, and general couples.
+ Emily leaves home
+ Emily goes a bit off the rails
+ Naomi's sexuality may not be labeled this season
+ We'll see Naomi's mother, Gina, again
+ Naomi will have a scene with Rob Fitch
+ Naomi & Katie will still banter, but won't be best friends
+ Naomi/Emily have a serious scene at some point in a toilet
+ Naomi/Emily are loved up from episode one - but Naomi is hiding something from her which may threaten their relationship
+ Naomi/Emily will have a sex scene
+ There will be a scene with Emily on the receiving end of sex
+ Naomi/Emily will have loads of screentime together
+ Naomi/Emily will hug on screen (and more)
+ Naomi/Emily will be friends with Cook (ala Chris & Cassie)
+ A lot of Naomi/Emily drama to come
+ Appears Effy has some type of emotional break down and is sent to a clinic to recover
+ Effy returns to school to find she's no longer Queen Bee.
+ Effy will not be sexually involved with Emily
+ Effy will have great stuff to do
+ Effy was the most interesting character to write for in S4
+ The relationship between Tony & Effy will be mentioned
+ Effy's got one of the biggest stories in S4
+ Pandora's calmed down a lot, and that means less hedonism and a lack of rebellion...
+ Pandora & Effy have a lot of scenes together
+ Pandora will be explored more
+ Pandora's mom will not appear
+ JB said Katie's episode is funny and sweet and she will have a lot more to do in S4
+ Katie is left dealing with a family meltdown, while Emily is on cloud nine
+ Naomi & Katie will still banter, but won't be best friends
+ By the end of the Katie episode, you will know who she is properly
+ You'll empathize with Katie alot
+ There's a bit of romance with her
+ The character of Lara will become the girlfriend of JJ. She is a 17 year old single mother
+ Cook and Freddie become a smaller part of JJ's life as he starts to stand on his own two feet. There's even love on the horizon for him!
+ The friendship between Katie & JJ will be explored
+ JJ will have the greatest character growth in S4
+ JJ will continue to do magic
+ There's a really sweet episode with JJ - it shows him growing up and accepting who he is. He has to trust someone new who isn't in his comfort zone of the three musketeers!
+ Freddie/Effy, Cook, and Katie have scenes at a carnival
+ Kaya said Effy only kisses one guy on the show (however, she said this when only the first 4 eps were written)
+ Thomas gets "seduced" by a girl called Andrea
+ Thomas will have more to do in S4 (according to JB)
+ There's a tragic accident in episode one - and Thomas is left feeling responsible.
+ Thomas is punching out in all sorts of ways - and his reckless behaviour may last the whole series.
+ Cook is up to his usual tricks: turning to drugs and booze to mask his feelings.
+ Cook will have a lot to do in S4 ("plenty of Cook action" - JB) and more of his family will appear. His mother looks likely to appear.
+ Cook will have a bed scene (believed to be in the finale), unknown who with though
+ Cook will be friends with Naomi & Emily, ala Chris & Cassie
+ Cook will show different sides in S4
+ The Cook episode is very powerful (according to JB)
+ Cook/Effy will be developed later in S4 - according to Kaya
+ There will be plenty of Cook/Effy going on - according to JB
+ After standing up for what he feels is right, love pushes Freddie to the brink of insanity.
+ Freddie will have a plot that doesn't necessarily involve Effy
+ Opening scene of S4 has everyone there except for Effy. Naomi/Emily seen kissing and a girl called Sophia throws herself off a balcony.
+ There is a house party with all the gang there, where Cook gets into a fight. There's also a doughnut eating competition with Thomas and or Pandora. A girl is seen coming on to Naomi. JJ says to Thomas "it's tough seeing your ex with someone else" talking about another character (believed to be Cook).
+ No one will have shared episodes and two characters won't get an episode
+ Episode 401 is Thomas' episode
+ The twins will not share an episode, and they each have their own episode. (Emily - Episode 2; Katie - Episode 4)
+ John Bishop (Rob Fitch) tweets suggest Rob appears in more than one episode and that there are Fitch family arguments
+ Gordon Mcpherson (friend of James Fitch) will likely make an appearance
+ Effy and Katie share a scene in Episode 4
+ JJ and Katie share a scene Episode 7
+ Will Young will appear in an episode as the college guidance counselor, Mr T Love
+ The characters: Ben, Candy, Sam and Lara will all appear at some point in S4
+ There was a casting call for black and mixed race extra's for a christian church scene. From a extras pic, it's believed to be to do with Thomas
+ It looks likely the final scene of S4
will not include Effy, Thomas, or JJ. Not known yet who it will include
+ "Season 4 focuses more on the characters and the Cook/Effy relationship will be developed more later in the series" - according to Kaya
+ The best episodes (according to JB) will be 2, 5, and 7 -- but he says that all of them are amazing
+ JB said that we will need tissue for the finale
+ No Gina/Fitch parent interaction scenes
+ Not everyone will be talking very early in the first episode
+ James Fitch will appear in S4
+ Plenty of nudity
+ Plenty of parties
+ Some of the characters get into fights
+ There will be no trips out of the country for the characters, but that doesn't meant that they don't go elsewhere
+ There is loads of new characters
+ There may be a connecting character to Gen 3 in S4, but JB hasn't decided yet
+ The friendships are more bonded. Series three was about them coming together and being friends, whereas now, the group is formed and they're supporting each other through all the problems that come
+ There are new friendships formed and they have an impact on each story...
+ One teen turns to God after a devastating turn of events
+ JB said that the finale for couples will be "interesting" to say the least
+ Georgia Lester said that Effy does choose someone (between Cook & Freddie) in S4, but she can't tell us who! Nothing can be happy when it comes to Effy, so there's a lot of heartbreak. They all become mended at points.
+ Episode 1 - 4 (scenes used in the Trailer): Ep 1 = Thomas, Ep 2 = Emily, Ep 3 = Cook, Ep 4 = Katie
+ Episode 5 - 8: Ep 5 = Freddie, Ep 6 = JJ, Ep 7 = Effy, Ep 8 = Everyone
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