unofficial check in #4!

Aug 16, 2010 13:46

Hiiii everyone! It's been a couple of weeks since we've caught up -- how's it coming? Churning out those word counts? Working out plot details? Finished already, and waiting impatiently for November?

In the meantime, don't forget that the cheerleader request post is still open, if you're interested in cheering someone else on, or if you'd still like a cheerleader for your own fic! And there's still plenty of time for the fanmix challenge, so post some prompts and get mixing!

How's everyone doing otherwise? Enjoying the last bit of summer? School started back for me today, which will be a nice change of pace -- all but one of my classes are online, so I should still have lots of time for fandom fun! My laptop was out of commission for a few days there, but returned in perfect condition, yay! Still don't have a proper word count on my own fic (jesus, I'm a bad example) but that should be changing this week!


!check in, *mod post

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