Welcome to the very first day of the week I know it's not Monday/Sunday but still and we hope you will join us EVERY SINGLE DAY* with the weird and wonderful tasks/polls and random fun that we have to share.
As you have probably gathered, today is FIC REC FRIDAY and our theme is BEGINNINGS.
So we'd like you to recommend Skins fics with AWESOME beginnings. By definition, awesome doesn't have to be happy, it doesn't have to be sweet, it doesn't have to be anything at all...whatever the reason you have for finding it awesome, we will accept it. Even if it begins with Sophia jumping off the balcony, again.
To recommend a fic please use this handy little form:
Reason for rec:
Also, don't forget that we have a fantastic game of creativity tag going on here in The Vent so please go and write some drabbles, or make some icons and spread the prompt-filled game even further.
Creativity Tag
* Please note that whilst we aim to post every single day, this may not always happen. Unfortunately life does get in the way and though we try our best between the two of us, slips do still happen. So bear with us, if we don't post for a couple of days, we will be back!