stamped as jal and sid//s3-s4 character theme

Aug 19, 2010 15:17


Name: Chloe
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Do you prefer a stamp of a character of the same sex: Both pleasee :)

Theme: S3 - S4 Character
Previously Stamped As: Jal and Sid (S1-S2 Character), the smartypants and the sidekick (stereotype theme)


5 words to describe yourself: Stubborn, guarded, impulsive, opinionated, insecure.
5 positive traits: Kind, caring, loyal, fun-loving, smartish.
5 negative traits: Annoying, impatient, low tolerance, easily angered, bitchy.
Hobbies/Interests: Reading, playing piano, climbing, writing, going out etc
Strengths: I don't know really; I like to think I'm quite a good friend (loyal, trustworthy etc), and quite good at writing and stuff.
Weaknesses: Plus I can be really bitchy, rude and overly sarcastic at times, and don't see the point in trivial conversation and so can be very monosyllabic and unresponsive when I want to be. And I fail at almost anything even vaguely sporty...
Sense of Style: I practically live in shirt dresses, and I love high-waisted skirts, leggings, summery dresses all year round, etc etc :)


Optimistic , Realistic , Pessimistic: Realistic
Relationship , Hook-Up: Relationship would be nice, but not sure I could handle it right now
Impulsive , Cautious: Impulsive
Arrogant , Confident , Shy , Awkward: Shy/awkward around people I don't know well
Manipulative , Manipulated: Both, but more manipulative I guess
Selfish , Selfless: Selfish
Leader , Follower: Follower mostly
Open , Guarded: Guarded


You're in love with one of your friends, how do you deal? Probably just keep it to myself unless I thought there was a serious possiblity they felt the same way.
What would cause you to break a friendship with someone? If they constantly bitch about you behind your back; I can't stand two faced people.
What are your feelings on love and relationships? I don't really know all that much about them, but I kind of wish I did.
Describe the type of person, you would typically/probably fall for? Confident to the point of arrogance, opinionated, funny, smart, classically good looking, nice hair...
How do you feel about your parents? I love them obviousy, but they piss me off A LOT.
Do you keep a lot of secrets? Not really, just don't tend to talk about myself/my feelings all that much.


Whose your favorite Skins second generation character? Probably Cook or Effy :)
Which do you relate the most to? Probably Emily? But quite a bit to Katie, Naomi and JJ as well, and a bit to Effy :)
Whose your least favorite? I don't hate any of them, but Thomas I guess
Favorite episode of S3: Naomi's or the twins'
Favorite couple: Cook/Freddie
Favorite moment overall in S3: aaaah can't decide D: maybe the naomily catflap scene? or freffy lake scene, because it was pretty and I'm shallow...

Link three appliations that you voted
Voted on all unstamped apps (:

(2nd gen): naomi campbell, !theme: s3-s4 character, (2nd gen): jj jones

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