Name , Kristen
Age , 18
Gender , Female
Sexual Orientation , straight
Do you prefer a stamp of a character of the same sex, doesn't matter
5 words to describe yourself , opinionated, industrious, strong-willed, caring, and geeky.
5 positive traits , honest, caring, intelligent, opinionated, and industrious.
5 negative traits , blunt, perfectionist, procrastinator, picky, and pessimistic.
Hobbies/Interests , Anything to do with music, history, cooking, hanging out with friends, photography, old films, shopping, etc.
Strengths , Well, in school it would be History, languages, music, and English. I'm not really sure other-wise.
Weaknesses , Well, probably one of my biggest weaknesses is how opinionated I am, because I have a very short temper and I always have to prove that I'm right and you're wrong, and when someone disagrees with me I will blow up in there face. Which is funny because another weakness of mine is holding things in. I always try to mask my emotions because I don't like people finding out what really erks me.
Sense of Style , I think the best word to describe my style is "random", yes, I like to be comfortable, but I also like to be different. I'm not really into the whole trendy thing, because I like to be myself and show off my personality, I'll probably try anything once. The only thing that's really a staple in my wardrobe are my converse, and my quirky earrings.
Optimistic , Realistic , Pessimistic , Well, ask anyone else and they would say pessimistic, but I think of myself as more of a realist.
Relationship , Hook-Up , Relationship.
Impulsive , Cautious , Cautious
Arrogant , Confident , Shy , Awkward , Confident
Manipulative , Manipulated , No one can manipulate me, but I'm not one to manipulate others either.
Selfish , Selfless , selfless
Leader , Follower , Leader
Open , Guarded , Guarded
You're in love with one of your friends, how do you deal? Hold it in, tell no one.
What would cause you to break a friendship with someone? Them lying to me, or talking about me behind my back. I'm not very quick to trust someone, and once you lose my trust you'll never gain it back.
What are your feelings on love and relationships? I'm not really sure, I've come to doubt the whole soulmate thing, but I do believe that it's important to be in a relationship with someone who cares about you and loves you.
Describe the type of person, you would typically/probably fall for? Looks wise, dark hair and tall. Personality-wise: Caring, trustworthy, intelligent, funny, and deep.
How do you feel about your parents? I haven't spoken to my mother in years, and I currently live with my father...but we don't really talk about anything aside from baseball. My aunt is more of a mother-figure to me.
Do you keep a lot of secrets? Yes.
Whose your favorite Skins first generation character? Probably Maxxie or Chris.
Which do you relate the most to? Jal. I feel like we have a lot in common family-wise, but I also feel like she's the most innocent of the group, the one that doesn't drink or do drugs as much. I never have and never plan on drinking or doing drugs.
Whose your least favorite? Sketch, for obvious reasons.
Favorite episode of S1 , Anwar's Birthday.
Favorite episode of S2 , Either Michelle's Birthday or Chris' funeral.
Favorite couple , Chris/Jal
Favorite moment overall in S1 - S2 , I love the moment at Anwar's Birthday where Anwar's father finds out that Maxxie's gay and he's cool with it.