Sexual Orientation:Straight
Do you prefer a stamp of a character of the same sex:Could I get both?
Theme: S1-S2 Character theme
Previously Stamped As:
Picture of yourself:
5 words to describe yourself:creative,smart,calm,quirky,careless
5 positive traits:Intelligent,musical,easygoing,witty,adventurous
5 negative traits:sarcastic,rude,insecure,lazy,second best
Hobbies/Interests:playing my guitar,writing lyrics,reading,watching movies,hanging around
Strengths:Ambitious,good at noticing people,defending what I like,can get a good laugh out of people.
Weaknesses:Really insecure,extremely lazy,careless towards things that don't interest me,
Sense of Style:Usually jeans and a t-shirt,beat up converse,the works.
Optimistic , Realistic , Pessimistic:Idealistic
Relationship , Hook-Up:I've had one relationship and some hook-ups.
Impulsive , Cautious:Impulsive
Arrogant , Confident , Shy , Awkward:I'm usually not shy,but awkward around new people.Around people I know I'm fine and not awkward at all.
Manipulative , Manipulated:Manipulated
Selfish , Selfless:I'll admit I'm more selfish than selfless.
Leader , Follower:Leader
Open , Guarded:Guarded but can be open.
You're in love with one of your friends, how do you deal? I would keep quiet to myself,let only my closest friend who I can confide in know.It's funny I have two other friends who OBVIOUSLY like each other immensely and they both know it,so why are they not together? The universe may never know(or the planets haven't aligned yet.)
What would cause you to break a friendship with someone? I'll use real life example,there was this "friend" who would just bring me and other friends down.She thought she had the best voice since Robert Plant and was the best songwriter since Lennon fucking McCartney(as a guitar/bass player and music buff,that annoys me to no end).She caused way to much drama too,she'd make everything bigger then it seemed.Eventually I couldn't take it anymore,told her how I actually feel about her,then cut off the friendship.So it would take a lot.
What are your feelings on love and relationships? I think people can be in love,but it won't be a happily ever after,it's hard work. It depends on the relationship for me,if it's worth it I'll try,if it's not I won't.
Describe the type of person, you would typically/probably fall for? I fell for a drug addict,so yeah the stoner type. Or the loner.
How do you feel about your parents? They're pretty great actually,I have a good bond with them.Though I fight a lot with them because I have a hot temper.
Do you keep a lot of secrets? Yes...
Whose your favorite Skins first generation character? Cassie
Which do you relate the most to? Cassie,I've had problems like her but not as extreme. Jal,she's a musician, so am I.
Whose your least favorite? Anwar
Favorite episode of S1:Cassie and Maxxie and Anwar
Favorite episode of S2:Maxxie and Tony
Favorite couple:Sid/Cassie
Favorite moment overall in S1 - S2:When Cassie tells Allan about the text's she's receiving telling her to eat.He tells her what it means and she starts eating again.
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