Name: Cara
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Do you prefer a stamp of a character of the same sex: Whichever you think fits best.
Previously stamped as: Cassie/Naomi.
Positive traits: Imaginitive, independent, non-judgemental, open-minded, forgiving, creative, liberal, feisty, 'won't take any shit' kind of attitude (I am quite passive though, but only because not many things offend me), genuine, sweet, 'hard to figure out' (could be a bad thing, but I take it as a compliment), quite confident in myself in terms of personality, intuitive, kind at heart though I don't always appear it, fantastical, romantic, able to see the funny side in most situations, appreciative of beauty, find something of interest in most things, accepting, realistic, have a lot of love even though I keep it all bottled up.
Negative traits: Cold, distant, sarcastic, stubborn, lazy, harsh, emotionally unstable, shy, guarded, aloof, fearful, scared to open up, no motivation, no self-discipline, controlling, jealous, bossy, cowardly in relationships, very little confidence in my abilities, insecure, contradictory, secretive, unpredictable (idk if this is good or bad), selfish, self-absorbed, lost.
Likes: Spending time alone, getting lost in fictional worlds, television, finding out how people work, fashion, fantasising, reading something that describes feelings I never knew how to articulate, creating collages, making lists, clicking with someone new, baking, finding myself in bizarre and unexpected situations, reading, writing, singing even though I'm not particularly good at it, nail polish, my country, getting drunk and dancing, comfort food, beautiful places, beautiful people, nudity, absolutely all music, satirical comedy, train journeys, magazines, compliments, princessy fashion, the past, pretending, old film stars, elegance, the 50s.
Dislikes: Narrowmindedness, when people judge others based on trivial things, being too hot or too cold, feeling inexplicably awkward or self-conscious, mosquitoes, fear, hard work, housework, getting up early, being asked too many personal questions, sharing a room with other people, people making false judgements on me or trying to define who I am, sexism, racism, homophobia, logic, when people only like what they think they should like.
Optimistic, Realistic , Pessimistic: Realistic.
Relationship, Hook-Up: It depends on the person and the situation.
Impulsive, Cautious: Cautious
Arrogant, Confident, Shy, Awkward: I can be all of these things.
Manipulative, Manipulated: Both.
Selfish, Selfless: Selfish.
Leader, Follower: Leader with no followers.
Open, Guarded: Guarded.
You're in love with one of your friends, how do you deal? Continue to spend time with them and try to be a good friend to them, whilst at the same time probably acting a little more flirtatious/suggestive. However, I definitely wouldn't say anything unless I was almost certain they had feelings for me - and even then, I still might not because I am a coward. I would spend a lot of time pining and wallowing in unrequited love, probably.
What would cause you to break a friendship with someone? If I feel that someone is not treating me right or if I just feel we're not clicking at all.
What are your feelings on love and relationships? I'm a romantic at heart, but I wouldn't know how to describe love/relationships. I just don't know. I am awful at navigating them and have only been in one official relationship, in which I acted horrifically. I'm awful with commitment even though I do want it. None of it makes sense to me. I'm terrified of letting people in and/or appearing vulnerable which gets in the way a lot.
Describe the type of person, you would typically/probably fall for? Usually I fall for people who, if someone were to write a list of their traits down on a piece of paper, I would think I'd probably dislike. People whom I find annoying, people with a lot of clashing personality traits. Quite bold characters usually, and they always have that tough/vulnerable clash going on.
How do you feel about your parents? I don't know, I'm not sure I want to go into it. My mum is an overpowering control-freak and my dad has no backbone.
Do you keep a lot of secrets? Yes.
Whose your favorite Skins third generation character? Rich.
Which do you relate the most to? Mini, with Grace in second.
Whose your least favorite? Liv or Matty I suppose, but I like them all.
Favorite episode of S3: 5x02.
Favorite couple: Rich/Grace :)
Favorite moment overall: I can't choose!
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