Apr 20, 2011 11:11

This month's theme is the regular theme for Generation 3.

PLEASE NOTE that the characters for Generation 3 are not options for the other themes yet. They'd be avaliable over the coming months, we'd make a post about it, reason being because there's going to be alot of stamps to make and we'd need some time.

As usual, please vote on all unstamped applications, please DO NOT sheepvote and if you have any questions/theme suggestions, please feel free to comment on this entry.

We listed some traits for the characters, they are just basic guidelines to help those who haven't watched the series.


Do you prefer a stamp of a character of the same sex:

Previously stamped as:


Positive traits:
Negative traits:


Optimistic, Realistic , Pessimistic:
Relationship, Hook-Up:
Impulsive, Cautious:
Arrogant, Confident, Shy, Awkward:
Manipulative, Manipulated:
Selfish, Selfless:
Leader, Follower:
Open, Guarded:


You're in love with one of your friends, how do you deal?
What would cause you to break a friendship with someone?
What are your feelings on love and relationships?
Describe the type of person, you would typically/probably fall for?
How do you feel about your parents?
Do you keep a lot of secrets?


Whose your favorite Skins third generation character?
Which do you relate the most to?
Whose your least favorite?
Favorite episode of S3:
Favorite couple:
Favorite moment overall:

[ ] I have voted on all unstamped applications
(If you do not vote on all unstamped applications, you would not be stamped!)

Mini McGuinness
"I’m the lovely Mini McGuinness. My initials are M and M; because I’m the super sweetest girlie you’ll ever meet."
Traits: Neurotic, manipulative, insecure, appears confident, sensitive, witty, determined, unforgiving, trendy, ambitious

Franky Fitzgerald
"Um... In primary I accidentally set fire to the headmaster who was dressed as a Scarecrow. It was Harvest Festival assembly and he called me up for a bollocking for non-attendance."
Traits: Androgynous, good-natured, individualistic, slightly awkward, creative, loyal, forgiving, somewhat of a peace-maker

Liv Malone
"Don’t stop till you get enough..."
Traits: Impulsive, reckless, free-spirited, giving, tempestuous, tolerant, care-free, daring, stubborn, open-minded, irresponsible

Grace Violet
"Kittens and Disney and ballet and ice cream and..."
Traits: Naive, sheltered, resilient, graceful, dreamy, intelligent, understanding, empathetic, artistic, can be outspoken, sensitive

Nick Levan
"I'm Nick and I am balls deep in life. Sometimes I even go balls in."
Traits: Sensitive, determined, puts up a facade, contradictory, pressurised, ambitious, aggressive, emotional, ruled by his heart, impulsive

Rich Hardbeck
"Liberal if stoned. Anarchist if pissed. Libertarian if honest."
Traits: Opinionated, sort of narrow-minded, passionate, loyal, self-righteous, dances to his own boom boom, may appear conceited/snobbish, morose

Alo Creevey
"I can guess the nationality of any homemade porn without turning the sound up. Seriously. It's a pretty simple formula."
Traits: Eccentric, joker, loyal, friendly, supportive, fun-loving, good-natured, care-free, happy-go-luckyish, goes with the flow

Matty Levan
" I am wearing somebody else's socks. I'm not sure who's wearing mine. They could be anywhere but I can't complain. My sock karma is well into the red but there are worse things to have done. People don't really mind about losing socks..."
Traits: Engimatic, abstract, complicated, independent, secretive, vague, brings drama to himself, charming, confused

!theme: s5-s6 character, !stamps, !hbic/mod post

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