Sep 01, 2010 20:28
So sorry this didn't get posted you guys! I was just so excited to get to my first History course this morning that I completely forgot! XD
Anyone who signed up to be a beta, feel free to fill out the form below and let people know that you're willing to help authors out! If you didn't sign up to be a beta, but would like to offer your services, awesome! Just fill out this form and post it as a comment (or reply to a beta request); no need to sign up at the official beta sign-up post.
1. Name/Username:
2. Email:
3. AIM/MSN/other (if applicable):
Tell us a little bit about your specialties and abilities. Let us know what you're willing and able to beta.
4. Willing to beta (pairings, ratings, genres, het/slash/gen…):
5. Not willing to beta (pairings, ratings, genres, squicks...):
6. Specialties (canon, characterization, constructive criticism, britpicking, art, other…):
7. How many authors/artists are you willing to beta?
8. Are you familiar with any other fandoms (for possible crossover entries)?
9. Other remarks (availability, notice needed, etc.):
P.S. I realize this looks exactly like the beta sign up post. To be honest, it's the same exact form with a few modifications. Changes will be made for the next round so this redundancy doesn't happen again. Thanks for your patience!
Authors, you may contact a beta through their offer post, or fill out the form below to request a beta! We thought offering both options would be the best way to get information flowing and facilitate as many match-ups as possible.
1. Name/Username:
2. Email:
3. AIM/MSN/other (if applicable):
Tell us a little bit about your story, and what you're looking for in a beta.
4. Brief story summary:
5. Pairings (if applicable):
6. Rating:
7. Approximate fic length:
8. What you're looking for in a beta (canon, characterization, constructive criticism, britpicking, etc.):
9. Warnings:
10. Other remarks:
If you have any questions or concerns about the process, please let us know!
*mod post,
*beta offer,
!round: 1