Jul 20, 2011 10:04
Okay, guys, here's how it's going to work! Each author will be posting one master post; these master posts will contain links to the story and artwork posted on your own respective LJs. You can post at any time of day, as long as it's your posting date somewhere in the world!
The subject line of the master post should be your story title. Here's the format for the master post:
Link To Art:
Word count:
[Link to fic.]
You're welcome to include one graphic (no larger than 500x500) in your master post on this comm. And, of course, you can include graphics in the story itself, as long as that's okay with your artist -- just make sure to link to the art post on their LJ as well!
You can definitely prepare your post in advance of your posting date; just make sure the privacy is set to you only. When your posting date comes around, you can simply unlock it and post the master post to this comm.
!round: 2,
*mod post,
!posting info