artist sign-ups: LITTLE BANG

May 04, 2011 09:05


Welcome to the first Skins Little Bang! By popular demand, we're adding a Little Bang option this round, with a minimum word requirement of 3K and shortened deadlines; for artists, this means one piece of art instead of two. Our hope is that this will allow more people to participate in the fun, even if you can't commit to the Big Bang! For more information, check out the FAQS!

Important: This sign up is for the Little Bang only; you can sign up as an artist for the Big Bang here! Little Bang artist sign-ups are open until June 15.

Just a quick reminder: we're using the term artist as a very general term to refer to someone creating fanart (icons, drawing, banner, header, wallpaper, etc), a fanmix, or a fanvid for a story written during this challenge. Artists and authors will be working together to select a date at the end of the challenge to post their art and story to the community.

Copy and paste the sign-up template in the text box, and fill out your information in the comments! We're excited to have you on board!

1. Name/LJ username:
2. Email Address:
3. Have you read the rules and FAQ? By saying yes, you're agreeing to abide by them.
4. Type Of Art (e.g. banners, icons, fanmix, fanvid):
5. Do you have any preferred genres/pairings?
6. Are you willing to work with more than one story?
7. Anything else you want to add?

~sign-ups, !little bang, *mod post

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