Apr 25, 2006 22:35
Answer Truthfully
Do you like anyone?: No. Everybody sucks.
Do they know it?: I've been trying to tell them since I could talk...
Simple or complicated?: Simplicity equals boredom as far as I am concerned... so complicated.
In the last month, have you...
Bought something: Uh-huh
Gotten sick?: No (oh shit... I just sneezed then, does that count?)
Been hugged? I don't think so... *tear*
Felt stupid?: Yeah, when the automatic door shut on me while I was holding two coffees at work...
Talked to an ex?: Umm.... don't think so... maybe through sms...
Missed someone: Yep
Failed a test: Yes, my mother fucking mid-semester Psych exam
Danced: This month? No.
Snuck out?: lmao, snuck out for what?
Sat and looked at the stars?: Nope.
Do you swear/curse? Yeah
Do you ever spit? Not unless it's neccesary (sp?)
You cook your own food?: Some times
You do your own chores?: Rarely
You like beef jerky?: No! *gags*
You like pepsi or coke?: Coke
You're happy with your hair? Yeah
You own a dog? One. Buffy.
You spend your money wisely?: *looks at the kilt* No.
Do you like to swim?: Fuck yes
When you get bored do you call a friend: Not nearly enough... but Clair is teaching me that it's probably one of the more entertaining options...
Do you prefer...
Flowers or angels?: It probably changes...
Gray or black?: Black
Colour or black and white photos? Black and white, for sure.
Sunrise or sunset?: I like to be awake for both.
M&Ms or Skittles?: M&Ms
Staying up late or waking up early?: Either works for me
Being hot or cold?: hot, gives me a reason to go to the beach. Not that I need a reason...
Winter or Fall?: Winter.
Having 10 acquaintances or 2 best friends? well I have both... but I love my best friends more than life, so i guess I'll go with 2 best friends.
Sunshine or rain?: Rain.
Vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream?: Vanilla, but it has to be natural vanilla, not that shitty cheap stuff.
Have you ever..
Made out for more than 5 minutes?: Yeah
Slept in a bed of the opposite sex?: Yeah
Hooked up in the woods?: No
Drank a bottle of alcohol by yourself?: Hahaha, yeah... Mead.
Been Dumped? o_o... yeah
Stolen money from a friend?: never!
Slept naked?: Ummm... don't think I've slept naked...
Been in a fist fight?: Yeah... couple...
Snuck out of your house?: Yeah
Had a crush on a teacher?: ROTFLMAO No!
Seen someone die?: No, thank it all...
Been on an airplane?: Yeah, not when it was off the ground though...
Slept all day?: Yep
Missed someone so much it hurt?: Everyday...
Been lonely?: I think my previous answer accomodates this question
Cheated in a game? Yeah
Been to the ER?: No...
Been in a car accident?: 2
Cried yourself to sleep?: Yeah.
Done something you told yourself you'd never do again?: Fuck yes.... (lmao, i need another drink)
Sung in the shower?: Yeah
Laughed so hard you cried?: all the time...
Not been able to remember your night?: Never
Cheated on a bf/gf?: Never even thought about it.
Regretted hurting someone?: hahaha, this is a gimme... fuck yes.
Regretted loving someone?: Yes.
Been SUPER happy? Not really... I tend to take things for granted...
Is your phone right beside you? Nope
Do you miss someone? Yeah
Do you wish you were somewhere else? Never have, never will
Do you have plans for tonight? Sleep?
Are you wearing chapstick? Nope
Are you cold? Yeah
Are you tired? A little
Are you excited? Not entirely...
Are you watching t.v.? Nope
Are you wearing pajamas? Yeah
Who's the last person that called you? Clair.
Recently done anything you regret? Not recently...
Ever lied? Anyone who answers no to this is lying...
Ever spit at someone? Never.
Ever kick something living? Accidentally... Buffy, my dog...
Ever trip over your own feet? ROTFLMAO, was this question written for me???
Ever had your nails done? Yeah... lmao...
Have you cursed? Yeah
Have you yelled at someone? No
Have you gotten mad at someone? Nope
Have you cried? No
Have you called more than 3 people? Nope
Have you eaten anything gross? The pizza I had for dinner was OK at the time, but it's hitting me pretty hard at the moment...