my weight loss journey

Dec 20, 2016 20:20

I'm re-starting my skinny journey and I wanted a place to journal my thoughts and experiences- I found Live Journal here, so off we go... I'll start at the beginning and catch us all up to date here. I'm old- 65 now, but I feel so much younger inside!! I've been fat all of my life- however I reached 290 on the scale and about filled my pants!! Holy Cow! No wonder my knees hurt and I was out of breath just climbing up the stairs- I sweat in the summertime to the point of embarassment. I dieted myself down to 270 and then started at the weight loss clinic June 24, 2016. I was successful there- down to 242 when I was side railed by parathyroid issues, (too much calcium in the blood and none going to my bones). No wonder I was going into osteopenia- first step before full-blown osteoperosis. When nuclear checking those glands, found my thyroid didn't look so good either so had that yanked out at the same time- No voice, just a squeek, hard to sleep, hurt, calcium levels going down into the crapper- I got depressed and started emotional eating. Frozen yogurt made my throat feel so good you know, and then I haven't had sweets in so long, I've been deprived of all this good stuff etc. and boy, did I make up for lost time! Up to 254 again when I went to dr.'s office so now that was a wake up call! I've gotten back down to 248 but decided I needed to log this stuff to keep me on track. This is where you come in- I'll report here, tell what has been working what hasn't and what roadblocks I've been dealing with.
I have a lot of stressors in my life- husband is disabled, one daughter is scared of the world and the other daughter is alcoholic- had disowned me since I didn't 'support' her the way she thought I should when she got drunk and started beating on her husband--while he was holding the baby I might add-- I thought he was right to file assault charges on her and kicked her out, but that's the way I feel. He since has taken her back and trying again- he seems to be some kind of saint that way! We just see life differently in so many ways that it was inevitable that the rift would come- she's always been the kind to burn her bridges and now this bridge has gone up in smoke. Her oldest son comes over to see me still- he's 16 and drives so he comes when he wants to- but I do feel badly that I'll never get to see the other 2 grandkids again. I'm sure her husband is afraid to bring the kids over to see me- she would skin him alive!! so he's caught between a rock and a hard place too! I am trying to put that aside and count it as one of the items that I need to "accept the things I cannot change" and go on to the "courage to change the things I can" and that change is going to be myself.
My ultimate goal is to get to see 160 lbs. Actually I see it every time I get on the scale, but it whizzes by so fast that it is just a blur (a little humor here!!). I want to look and feel 'good'.. There's many reasons I want to lose this weight,, but to look and feel good are the tops ones!
Reasons: Health, not so out of breath when coming up the stairs- blood pressure numbers to come down, less chance of cancer (high numbers of cancer cases in my family), osteoarthritis in my right knee and less weight on it would make it much better, no sweating so much when I get nervous or hot. I'll list many other reasons as I go along here, but those will be the start. I'm thinking that if I keep coming back here to check in, I'll be able to see the progress and that will help keep me on track , it will remind me of the things that have 'worked' so that I can do them again and again- and give me a sense that someone else out there cares if I make it or not! I'm going to hop on the weight loss train again and have a great ride!! Here's to a better New Year in 2017! talk to you again later!
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