Jan 21, 2017 21:38
Down to 239.5- lowest I've been in years. What did I do for this success? I IF 6/18 I ate from 11am to 5pm or else 12 noon to 6pm- and in those times I ate good stuff, I went out and shoveled snow/chipped ice that counted for exercise. I got myself a fat monitor- fun!! 1 st day I was at 49% fat, (the official one from the diet center last showed 51.5%) then 2 days later- 48.6%-or was it 46.8%?,, but anyways- it was a decrease! I bought some powdered bone broth and I have many videos and books to watch/read- so always something to do with my spare time. Bad- I got some boxes of nut granola bars, from 160-190 cal each- that I can't seem to have just one. They're a little sweet so that gets me off-!! Not good to have around, at least not waiting by the computer for me! Will have to rethink that one! I'm proud too- got 2 size 22 jeans, and one fits already!! the other one will soon- :) each morning when I wake up I can look down to the end of the bed where the mirror reflects my leg as I pull it up- and I marvel how long and slim it's looking- that one pleasure is so nice!!