Healthy food hot list. Keep in mind that a balanced diet provide nutrients to your body.
Spreading your daily calorie amount among several small meals can help curb binges. This will rasie your metabolism, and you will be less tempted to binge when your body gets a regular supply of food.
Minimize your intake of bread, pasta, rice and potatoes.
Add at least one large serving of any vegetable to your main meal. Fibrous, water-lade vegetables, such as broccoli, spinach or cucumbers can create a feeling of bulk within your stomach. The excess fibre will also help to push food through the body at a faster pace, leaving less time for fats to be absorbed.
Don’t try to fast for days and days. First of all, fasting for long periods of time actually slows down the metabolism, second, it increases binge cravings immensely, and third, it affects your mood greatly. Instead of being happy for losing weight, you’ll be depressed simply because of lack of food.
Weight training will raise your metabolism.
Don't take laxatives. Laxatives can cause serious medical complications, and you actually gain weight by taking them. There are natural laxatives though, found in foods like prunes and grapes. Also, there are certain sugar-free cough drops and candies that produce a laxative effect because of the sugar substitute used in them.
Try to eat in the same place every day. Somewhere solitary. Not in front of the TV or computer.
Sleep at least 6 hours a night. Less than 6 hours sleep a night stimulates appetite by 15%. A lot of people with eating disorders suffer from insomnia, but it really is important to get as much sleep as possible.
Drink hot beverages, especially in fall and in winter. Hot liquids expand the intestinal tract and make you feel full. A warm drink can help take the edge off your hunger, preventing overindulging later. In fact, soup can do the same. Bullion cubes are only 5 calories a cube, and they taste wonderful.
Focus especially on the first three bites. After that, the excitement of eating will begin to slowly subside, and you'll probably be content with a smaller portion.
Spicy foods raise your metabolism and burn slightly more calories than mild foods.
When you go out, take only a few bucks with you. When you walk past the pastry shops, you can't afford anything.
Before you dig into that carton of ice cream, bag of chips, etc., take a deep breath and count to one hundred. Usually, by the time you stop counting, you will have convinced yourself that you don't really need it.
Eat your sweets at breakfast.
Track your triggers. Log them in a notebook, post them in your journal, whatever. This way you’ll know when a trigger is going to hit, and you’ll know in advance to keep yourself occupied during that time.
Fiber pills help to boost the metabolism
Drink tea whenever you get intense cravings - it’s low in calories, and it fills you up.
Diet soda, contrary to what it says on the bottle, is not calorie-free. It is, however, still low in calories, (one calorie a can), and though it’s not as good as drinking water, and it may prevent you from binging on chocolate.
Green tea is not only an antioxidant, you can burn up to 110 extra calories a day by drinking several cups.
Low calorie hot chocolate is great for suppressing those chocolate cravings, and it makes you feel full.
When you have a craving for sweets, eat 'crystal light' sugar free candies. They're delicious, and are HALF the calories of normal hard candies.
Drink plenty of water, 8 glasses a day. Drinking water ensures that the kidneys are functioning properly. If you are not fully hydrated, this means that the kidneys are not working to their full capacity and results are that the waste products are then dumped onto your liver, which is where the fat process actually occurs. Water speeds up your metabolism.
Exercise and sweat. When you sweat you burn calories, obviously. Don't overdo it, because it may result in a heat stroke.
If you have a craving for sugar, try fat-free, sugar free Jell-O, it’s only 10 cals per serving. If you want you can eat the whole bowl and it's only 40 cals.
Remember, out of sight is out of mind. If there are goodies lying around on the counters or table, put them away and/or hide them. That way whenever you walk through the kitchen, you won't be tempted.
Make vegetable soup with low-cal veggies cut up in chunks as a snack. You can have a full bowl and feel full, but you haven’t eaten very many calories.
Take zinc and potassium supplements. These work well with kelp in raising metabolism and mobilizing fat.
Three product recommendations when you have chocolate cravings: smart water (0 calories, but has electrolytes ), caffeinated peppermints (sugar free - 3 for 5 calories, at, and antacid gum .
Not eating 3 hours before bedtime is something you may have heard that will help you lose weight. There is much truth in this too, for more than one reason. If you go to bed shortly after a big meal, you don't sleep as well, and you also don't have the chance to work off your meal.
Try to avoid sugar sweetened foods.
Wait 20 minutes between servings. Your brain takes at least 20 minutes to register that you're full.
Don't ever skip breakfast. Your body's metabolism rate slows down at night and doesn't speed up again until you eat something.
Keep a diary of your eating and feelings, far away from the kitchen. Document everything you eat.
Eat your meals on a sandwich or a dessert plate. If your mind sees a full plate, it will register a full serving and you don't seem to be as hungry when finished.
Keep variety in your diet. Make sure that at each meal is a variety of temperatures, textures, and flavors. This satisfies all cravings, you you will find that you eat less at each meal, and are not hungry for snacks.
Eat up to 6 veggies and 3 fruits a day.
Limit alcohol. Alcoholic drinks have many calories.
Shop for groceries only after eating. You will be less likely to buy food impulsively, especially food you don't need.
Schedule your exercise time just as you plan other activities of the day. Treat this time as an important appointment you don't want to miss.
Take a shower or bath instead of eating unhealthy junk food to calm yourself down when stressed. It will relax you and keep your whole body out of trouble until the craving fades.
Phone a talkative friend when you want to binge. Stay on the phone until the craving fades.
Eat fresh fruit instead of drinking fruit juice. Juice is often sweetened but fresh fruits have natural sugars.
Make sure your plate is half veggies at both lunch and dinner.
Try two weeks without sweets. It's amazing how your cravings vanish.
Instead of buying junk food, buy something for yourself instead.
Take a nap when you get cravings. Sometimes you crave fatty food because you're tired.
(C) 2011 Disordered-nation