Review of War of the Worlds

Jul 01, 2005 10:49

Jaye's review: The movie, in my opinion was not as great as I was
hoping. To me, Cruise shouldn't have been casted in the film. He didnt
fit. And I like Cruise, I like him as an actor. But just not like this. But
David does not feel the same way, so you may enjoy it more than I. But I
guess I went into the film hoping for one thing, and got another. But I
love the War of the Worlds story. Its monumentally huge for a sci-fi

Dave's review: One word alone can describe this film...INTENSE! Ten minutes into the film, you are pulled to the edge of your seat and thrown back into it,
all at the same time. Characters develop well throughout the film, and
you never once question where they came from or where they are heading
(no plot holes). Throughout the film you will admire their courage and
emotional stress as the world is torn to pieces. Tom Cruise has a great
performance playing the part of a distant father, from the beginning of
the film and all the way through to the end. He shows how a man can
change and become the father he should have been. Dakota Fanning of
course steals some scenes throughout the movie, once again showing how
huge of a character actress she truly is. The special effects in the
film are of course spectacular. You will love the vibrant colors and
flawless transitions that the aliens and their craft make on screen.
Almost seeming as if they were right there on set, along side the
actors. Some shaky camera angles are a little bit cumbersome, and they
almost cause you to lose that 1/2 lb. of popcorn that you inhaled during
the previews. Partly caused from the emotions that run through your
head as you sink deeper into your seat wondering what will happen next.
Not since the classic ALIENS have I been so scared for the characters,
hoping they could run just a little faster, and live just a little
longer. The movie is very fast paced from about 15 minutes into it, so
lay off the water and cokes cause your not gonna want to miss the
unstoppable action. That is until about 1 and 1/2 into the film, because
the last 30 minutes drag on...and drag on. That is probably the most
concern that I have for this film, the ending seemed to be missing
substance. If I had to describe it, I would say to think Independence
Day , and you pretty much have the ending nailed down. With the special
effects, character development and great story telling...I give this
film a resounding 4 out of 5.
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