I hate to keep posting AIM conversations but.,

Aug 22, 2007 12:34

this guy is really weird.. like I kinda want to block him weird.
I started by saying in an away message that i need $200 in two weeks.. any advice? and he Imed me saying that if I wasn't a bitch he'd give it to me.. I really wasn't a bitch to him.. but yeah here's the rest..

MaVsKiLl: what
WhenYouSTAYx: uh you called me a bitch
MaVsKiLl: well
MaVsKiLl: if you were nice to me
MaVsKiLl: id help you out
MaVsKiLl: but whenever we talked, you were always kinda snobby and you never IM me...ever
WhenYouSTAYx: so that makes me a bitch?
WhenYouSTAYx: you don't even know me
MaVsKiLl: no, it makes you nice......?
MaVsKiLl: whats your point?
MaVsKiLl: i have to know you to think ur a bitch?
WhenYouSTAYx: that you shouldn't judge people that you don't even know
WhenYouSTAYx: we've talked what twice?
MaVsKiLl: well i have talked to you before
WhenYouSTAYx: and I'm never even here
MaVsKiLl: no like 10 times
WhenYouSTAYx: I'm always away
MaVsKiLl: we used to talk a lot
WhenYouSTAYx: no we only talked a few times
MaVsKiLl: i talked with you for a long time to try and figure out whats wrong with you, remember?
WhenYouSTAYx: yeah
WhenYouSTAYx: but that was a long time ago
MaVsKiLl: like 3 months ago
MaVsKiLl: so what
MaVsKiLl: what is your point
WhenYouSTAYx: i already said what my point is
WhenYouSTAYx: you shouldn't judge people you don't even know
MaVsKiLl: what do you need $200 for?
WhenYouSTAYx: and I don't like talking about my health because no one understands
MaVsKiLl: hey!
WhenYouSTAYx: hey?
MaVsKiLl: MaVsKiLl: what do you need $200 for?
WhenYouSTAYx: school
MaVsKiLl: for what
WhenYouSTAYx: books
MaVsKiLl: your parents wont help you?
WhenYouSTAYx: my mom is in debt and my dad is non existant
MaVsKiLl: how are you paying to even go there?
WhenYouSTAYx: loans
MaVsKiLl: ok
MaVsKiLl: why dont you get a job?
WhenYouSTAYx: because i can't
MaVsKiLl: cuz of ur condition?
WhenYouSTAYx: yes
MaVsKiLl: then why you going to college?
MaVsKiLl: to get a degree....
WhenYouSTAYx: I just can't work right now
MaVsKiLl: i see
MaVsKiLl: ok
WhenYouSTAYx: my doctor says that I'll grow out of it
MaVsKiLl: how much money you have right now?
WhenYouSTAYx: I don't want to talk about it
MaVsKiLl: i mean
WhenYouSTAYx: I'll figure something out
MaVsKiLl: no
MaVsKiLl: ill help you
MaVsKiLl: i just wanna know some stuff first
WhenYouSTAYx: like
MaVsKiLl: like the stuff i just asked
MaVsKiLl: you need 200
MaVsKiLl: you dont have any other money?
MaVsKiLl: saved up or anything
WhenYouSTAYx: no
MaVsKiLl: ok
WhenYouSTAYx: but I have credit
MaVsKiLl: ok
MaVsKiLl: would you give me your mailing address?
WhenYouSTAYx: why?
MaVsKiLl: how else am i going to give you the money?
WhenYouSTAYx: why would you do that?
WhenYouSTAYx: thats dumb
MaVsKiLl: to you it is
MaVsKiLl: but you deserve it
MaVsKiLl: so just give me the address
WhenYouSTAYx: that's okay
MaVsKiLl: ok
WhenYouSTAYx: I'll figure it out
WhenYouSTAYx: but thank you
MaVsKiLl: no
MaVsKiLl: cuz you think im kidding
MaVsKiLl: or i'm going to like send you anthrax or something
WhenYouSTAYx: no not really
MaVsKiLl: oh
WhenYouSTAYx: I just don't see why a stranger would give me money
MaVsKiLl: its unusual cuz not everybody does it
MaVsKiLl: but there are people who like to do good things i suppose
WhenYouSTAYx: you called me a bitch 5 minutes ago
MaVsKiLl: so
MaVsKiLl: listen
WhenYouSTAYx: so clearly I don't do good things
WhenYouSTAYx: I appreciate it really
MaVsKiLl: listen
WhenYouSTAYx: but I'll be okay
MaVsKiLl: lady
MaVsKiLl: your mom is in debt, you swear?
MaVsKiLl: and your father isn't there, you swear?
MaVsKiLl: and this money is really for school and not like... a hanson concert?
WhenYouSTAYx: lol
WhenYouSTAYx: I think you're crazy
MaVsKiLl: whatever
MaVsKiLl: but just tell me
MaVsKiLl: the truth
WhenYouSTAYx: I'm not saying it to be mean
WhenYouSTAYx: yeah all of that is true
MaVsKiLl: ok
WhenYouSTAYx: but I don't want your money
MaVsKiLl: no
MaVsKiLl: you listen
WhenYouSTAYx: I'll come up with it
WhenYouSTAYx: no
WhenYouSTAYx: you listen
MaVsKiLl: i don't like money. i don't like people who have a lot of money. therefor, if someone neeeds it more than i do, they should have it. ive never given $200 to someone before but no one has ever posted a bulletin like that, asking for help
WhenYouSTAYx: I didn't post a bulletin
WhenYouSTAYx: it was an away message
MaVsKiLl: yeah whatever
MaVsKiLl: it was somewhere
WhenYouSTAYx: I'll be fine
WhenYouSTAYx: seriously
WhenYouSTAYx: I'm just a little overwhlemed
WhenYouSTAYx: if i get in a really tight bind I'll figure something out
WhenYouSTAYx: no worries
WhenYouSTAYx: i really do appreciate it though
MaVsKiLl: what about
MaVsKiLl: you give me your mailing address
MaVsKiLl: its just money
MaVsKiLl: have you ever seen pay it forward?
WhenYouSTAYx: yes
WhenYouSTAYx: but just the offer is nice enough
WhenYouSTAYx: really
MaVsKiLl: you have to just trust me
MaVsKiLl: i may be crazy
MaVsKiLl: but whatever
MaVsKiLl: you need it more than i do
WhenYouSTAYx: i don't want your money!
MaVsKiLl: i have plenty of money for stuff i need
WhenYouSTAYx: I don't know how else to say it
WhenYouSTAYx: if I don't come up with it by myself then I'll never become anything
MaVsKiLl: but you neeeeeed it
WhenYouSTAYx: cause people always just give me what i need
MaVsKiLl: how bout i give it to you since you need it now, and you can pay me back
WhenYouSTAYx: no what i need is to come up with the money for myself
WhenYouSTAYx: I meant that i wanted advice not a hand out
MaVsKiLl: that way you'll have it now and you'll still come up with the money yourself
WhenYouSTAYx: no
WhenYouSTAYx: I hate borrowing money
MaVsKiLl: then take it
MaVsKiLl: ill send it to you
WhenYouSTAYx: what is your name
MaVsKiLl: then block you
MaVsKiLl: andrew
WhenYouSTAYx: I don't even know your name!
WhenYouSTAYx: okay andrew
WhenYouSTAYx: no
MaVsKiLl: well i know yours
WhenYouSTAYx: just no
WhenYouSTAYx: lol
MaVsKiLl: rude
WhenYouSTAYx: hey!
WhenYouSTAYx: I'm not being rude
WhenYouSTAYx: I'm being realistic
MaVsKiLl: ok
MaVsKiLl: you need 200 more than i do
WhenYouSTAYx: no
WhenYouSTAYx: i can get them off ebay or something
WhenYouSTAYx: or i can use my credit card
WhenYouSTAYx: and the school sends me a check once I start so i can just pay it right off
WhenYouSTAYx: see problem solved
MaVsKiLl: ok
WhenYouSTAYx: okay
WhenYouSTAYx: but thank you
WhenYouSTAYx: seriously
MaVsKiLl: dont thank me
WhenYouSTAYx: why not?
MaVsKiLl: cuz i didnt do anything
WhenYouSTAYx: you offered it to me
WhenYouSTAYx: thats still a very nice thing to do
MaVsKiLl: but you think im just saying it
MaVsKiLl: to try and sound nice
WhenYouSTAYx: no i don't
MaVsKiLl: ok
WhenYouSTAYx: okay
MaVsKiLl: well i gotta go
MaVsKiLl: take care
MaVsKiLl: later
WhenYouSTAYx: okay
WhenYouSTAYx: bye

I'm so baffled right now lol
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