Things are starting to move...

Jul 01, 2010 22:36

I was down to 253.4 (or 6) this morning, down from 255.6lbs the day before. It's really hard to regulate where I am at the moment and I really yoyo in comparison to what I drink. After the end of the world cup and my birthday I am going to spend a couple of tea-total weeks as I am thoroughly aware how much of a waste of calories alcohol is! Not that I drink loads mind, I had several on Sunday but then two days without until enjoying a couple of glasses of wine tonight. But those two days helped me settle to see where I really am.

Food and Exercise recap

Food 30th:

2 x eggs and 2 x toast
Chicken salad (oven baked chicken with lettuce, cucumber, 6 x cherry toms and 6 x mini new potatoes)
Slice of ryvita with Philly light
More stir fry with 2 x dry ryvita*

Food 1st:

2 x eggs and 2 x toast
3 x ryvita (34cals each) with mini tub of Philly (55 cals) + cucumber + Muller Yoghurt (98)
Final bit of stirfry*
2 x glasses white wine

*I think I slightly overestimated the 500cals of the 29th's stirfry. Basically the ingredients lasted me 3 meals and it was 900cals total for the 3 meals, granted Tuesday's was a bigger meal but it had to be less than 500.


I did 50mins on the Wii last night, mix of boxing and other 'cardio' plus some yoga/muscle work

This morning I did the 30day shred. I'm finding it a little less harrowing already! Though I funked my hamstring a little today - not sure how?

All in all not a bad few days, and happy the scales have moved down! Not sure what they will be tomorrow. I would have said a definite drop but with the wine that could keep me holding a little extra water so mabe not.


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