Braces offffff!!!

May 09, 2006 20:36

Holy Cheese and Rice, they're off!!!
After two dreadful years, the braces are gone.
I have to go back on Thursday to get my retainer tho :(

Tomorrow is my birthday! I am soooo excited, I know it will be a great day!

Today was super fun... came home and then went to meet clare at max's. We jumped on his trampoline for awhile then went to Yamato with the family. Muy delicioso y divertido tambien.

Finally, I come home to rejoice in my time of braces-less.

Except, while I was at Max's, my mom called and informed me that I had a visitor at the house a few moments before she called me. The "person" told my mom that me, max, dylan (WTF??), and nick were spreading rumors about her. Clare, Max, and I just laughed. It was total bullshit!! But I was pissed as hell. She told my MOM that. DO NOT get my family involved in this, and especially don't have your mom get mad at me for shit I didn't do.

Love you all so much.
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