We left off with Claire giving birth to the cutest baby in the world.
Plz put the baby down Hunter, you're scaring it, and me.
Still fucking scary... why is he gray?
Everyone kept rolling wants that the kids got into private school, so here goes nothing...
O noes :(
Surprise surprise, the only room he cheered at was the teenage girl's room.
Cameron: WANT UP!
Claire: Sex :D
lol losers
cherry iz gud dancr
Townie: Your boobs, I likes them :)
Claire: lol I'm not getting up
Arms have grown out of Bella's hair.
Because she was too much older than Javier...
Javier: UM WAT
Why hello there.
Autonomous hugs are awww. Awkward Claire staring is wtf.
This picture wins on so many levels. Cute Claire pop (W/ PINK DUST), adorable Javier face, dead plants in background.
Claire: Not again D:
Hunny, we gotta do something with that underwear asap.
Plz 2 welcome Mercedes Daiquiri! Claire's hair and Javier's eyes.
Claire's new "I'm-older-now" makeover is hot, y/y?
Maybe not such a good idea. This cat is quite the tard.
Hi guys, remember the adorable baby that was born at the end of the last update? Well, apparently I forgot to take pictures of him as a toddler, even though he was the most adorable thing ever. So here he is about to grow up into...
Maybe not the smartest.
And then it was Mercede's birthday.
Shortly after this picture was taken, Claire promptly dropped Mercedes to go puke her guts out in the toilet.
Take 2.
I have died from the cute.
So we've hired a maid since no one ever has time to clean around here... her name's Lucy Hanby and she's smokin'.
-dies again-
...uhm, Claire?
Oh for fucks sake...
*chimes* :D
So I forgot to show you guys the house lately. This is it. Mhm.
O Hai Zacky!
And then as soon as she got home from work...
Cherry grows up. I sent her downtown asap to see what she was interested in...
But Cherry thinks otherwise.
Moving in for the kill...
Lol, wow... I've honestly never seen 3 bolts before, let alone that quickly.
And then Cherry moves out. (I am planning on doing a side-post about what happened to her!)
It's Mercede's birfday!
O bby, you're cute.
Oh, and that kid, Cameron, (don't worry I forgot him too) grew up. And promptly moved out.
Pop :)!
Cute elder pic is cute.
She's so depressed she won't even hug her own daughter.
So we try again...
The cuteness, it kills me.
No seriously, Claire and Javier made some gorgeous kids.
I just thought this was cute ^^
-comforts Claire- I know bbygrl...
Well ty Zeno <3
And it's his birthday!
Hay cutie.
I'd make him heir, but I want to see how Mercede's ends up...
Anyways, he rolled fortune, and his LTW is to have 5 top businesses...gl with that <3
Neat (6), shy (4), active (6), outgoing (8), nice (6).
Autonomous sibling bonding, how ~cute~
Even though Zeno will never have his LTW fulfilled, I decided to open a hairdressing business at the house. Bella makes over a little kid that stopped by.
The most adorable picture ever. ILU GUYS, 4EVER.
...I am honestly heart broken IRL, and my eyes even teared a bit. Claire, what did you do to deserve this? This is the 3rd one in a row.
So heartbreaking... I CAN'T TAKE IT.
But this should keep her occupied. LETS TRY AGAIN.
Javier: -fails at life-
And here is Claire makeover #3, she is just so beautiful & fun to fix up. This one might be the best one yet IMO.
I put the adorable Zeno to work painting portraits, since he has like 10 creativity points somehow.
Ladies & gentlemen. I think we have our heir.
She rolled Romance (oh boy oh boy) - LTW to become Hall of Famer (easy enough).
Neat (6), shy (3), active (9), outgoing (8), MEAN ASS BITCH (1)
I am praying for you Clairebear. You're staying in bed 3/4 of the time now.
Even though I'm pretty positive I know who I'm giving to Mercedes (remember blonde townie that I was planning on saving for Cherry? Well, now Cherry's a lesbian, so Mercedes gets him :D )
Pretty sure this guy has the same facial structure as Hunter did as an adult. Bit creepy.
At least he has no chance.
And there is our start of the new generation! I know not much exciting things happened, I was too busy trying to keep Claire happy (and alive) with all the miscarriaging... she's not even halfway through adulthood, I have no idea why it keeps happening. I've been keeping all of her needs green too. I would just leave it alone but she's been popping out such beautiful babies and I WANT MORE.
Let me know what you guys think of me doing a little side-post on Cherry... I have some fun stuff in store for her and that random girl with pig tails that she's obsessed with (my first vampire & werewolf sims, perhaps :p)
Thanks for reading, & stay tuned!