A silent cackle with a mumble for Mum
A simple threat, a thud, a curse
A car backfires
Mud puddle after mud puddle outside
A crystal clear reflection in the river lets me see the clouds looking down..cool.
Turn the corner and sigh, Newnham
The radio tells me ‘Mr mysterious is here’ Who is he anyway?
its only 2:14 why are there parents picking up kids? I’m confused
Examiner print centre, wonder what they do there? Wonder what news they already know about?
9ks out of Launnie now, Am I home yet?
Aww man, roadwors Grr.
Ohh a pretty valley almost
Reflective water, green grass, trees-Some baring leaves, others not.
Black cows in a paddock, they look wet, must be cold.
Internally I laugh at the tractor that looks stuck in the mud
Appleless apple trees, Nice HA!
Dilston-Slow to 80!
A free meal for my birthday at the casino!? No thankyou radio.
Red, yellow, green balloons..Birthday someone?
Black Eyed Peas-Don’t lie-Old Much?!!?
Babies asleep now
Apart from the engine, the wind whizzing past and the radio, we have a quiet bus.
Kids in the back speak of music
A quiet lady reads a book
And while the lady behind me sleeps I continue to write
The sun surprised me through the clouds, gone again now
26ks to George Town
Nearly there
A fallen tree lays across a broken fence...The wind produced strength?
Welcome to Hillwood!..and goodbye Hillwood
We never seem to pick anyone up from there..When I’m on this bus anyway
Highway again
30th June the bus says 2:34..COOL 234!!!
Batman Bridge turnoff, nothing exciting
Sleep now, ZzZzZzZz
If only.
A nice bit of writing you want?
A nice bit of writing you ask?
I say bite me
I’m on a bus not in one of those paddocks whizzing past the windows