May 18, 2009 12:57
Feel free to leave comments in regards to . . . . anything. Concrit that needs to be forwarded to other players, concrit for the mods, concrit on the game, concrit on the Doctor (since that is practically another character). Everything is welcome, blatant flaming will be used to roast marshmallows and make s'mores.
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In canon, Vergil and Lady only have... one point of interaction. Mission 13 after Dante's fight with Vergil, Lady interjects, solely on what Arkham tells Lady in mission 11. He tells her that he was a possessed by "a devil named Vergil". So relatively speaking, Lady attacks Vergil on a blatant lie, told to her by her father. She believes Vergil, for probably five minutes, that he did force her father into the whole thing -- killing her mother and raising the tower. Though as it's revealed as it's one giant lie, Lady doesn't square off with either twin, they team up against Arkham, with their weapons, after he betrays every last one of them.
Now, in honesty, it doesn't look like Vergil or Dante are truly revealed to be half-human, half-demon to Lady. She doesn't denote that they are and nor is it ever said they are around them. Thus, this proves a few things:
Two - since they were half-human, this would undoubtedly present some sort of dilemma. Unfortunately, she'd probably would be compelled enough to go after them, even if they were half. But really, it's the first option - she has no absolute way of knowing they are hybrids.
Now, continuing. After Dante's speech, Lady finally sees Dante's humanity, she also understands the concept that, yes, even some of demonic blood can be human, and humans can be as big as monsters as humans. The whole key of Lady finally surrendering to Dante is his family issue - that is the whole turning point between the two, they have common ground. So by that, she presents him with her ( ... )
So in the beginning of a_facility, Lady remembers him. She does, in fact, scorn him, for the fact he AIDED her father in helping the tower. It's because she did feel that he was tied to the death of her mother, in some fashion. She's bitter about how he had his role, but for her own personal reasons with Dante. Although, because of how he treated Dante, and Dante, to her, is her best friend, she looks down on him. Something along the lings "even willing to stab his own brother for power". It's not until truth week, she sees more to Vergil than that. So, why does she change?
It's mainly because he tells her, up front, she's nothing like her father. And he finally does show brotherly feelings for Dante. In this position, Lady encourages him to absolve any feelings he has for Dante, because ( ... )
I also have my own personal HMD, IP logging is off, and anonymous is enabled. If anything else is required of me or any further examples, I would be more than happy to oblige. But in the meantime, I feel because of present events, current situations with my canon mates, it is warranted that this is going to happen, especially since I am taking Lady right after Temen-ni-Gru, and her interactions with the boys in canon.
And I hope that suffices!
WHOOPS: Also, in case anyone is curious, I even have a list of links of Lady's current CR, if anyone would like to see how things developed XD;.
Rushed seems an appropriate term when a situation goes from enemies that barely know each other to attraction and complete loyalty/trust within a month, particularly considering her occupation and his species.
I already explained that Lady doesn't care what his lineage is, it's pretty much obvious she doesn't; if that were the case, she'd be kicking Dante to the curb, too.
In regards to not caring about his lineage, that seems contradictory to her position as a demon hunter that has declared that she still wants to eliminate all demons. Dante is a lone exception to this rule, and his show of compassion would not carry over to Vergil.
And no, in the end of the game, she says in her narrative piece, that she understands there are demons who are as human as HE is. If this is the case, then she wouldn't take in Trish in the later future. So I kind of don't understand what you're trying to get at. The only time Lady ever jumps the gun in game is when Arkham lies to her, her feelings and emotions are riled up. Lady's not an idiot, she's not going to go in guns ablazing, that would certainly insure her death. And if Vergil was that much of a danger, I do believe he would have killed her by now for the sake of her being her father's daughter.
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