Jul 16, 2006 07:37
So, Im working Friday night, and I got a table of obvious rednecks/hicks/hillbillies/whatever have you. I waited on them, hoping they wouldnt be as ignorant as they looked, and while they ordered everything the right way, I overheard something that has been burned into my little brain.
"I swear to God, I am not taking her anywhere if she wont keep her teeth in her damn head. I told her to put in her teeth right before we left, and damn it, she didnt put em in".
Yea....you should have seen the table....Reminded me of Deliverance.
Then last night, I wait on a table of older kids, 18 y/os... they leave, another guy ordres an OJ, tips me 7.oo cos the teens didnt top shit. They all hang out in the parking lot, as people are want to do, and in less than 5 mins, the cops roll in. The cops start field sobriety testing em, goingi through their vehicles, and what have you. Then two more cops cruise in, and start slapping cuffs on em.
Apparently, they were drinking and they had some stuff that they shouldnt have. Ok, in Fayette County, you dont fuck around. If youre underage, dont drink in public. Dont bring attention to yourself. I thought everyone who lived here knew that. *smh*
Onto other news....
I should be in bed....Im slightly tired, but I have the kind of headache where if I lay down, Im going to get sick. Fucking sinuses....fucking weather changes....I hate allergies.
Stay tuned kiddies
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