Facing One of My Biggest Fear

Oct 07, 2005 23:15

I'm making this post public.

On October 6th 2005, I was leaving my first job in Merritt Island and heading towards my second job in Orlando. I wanted to stop and grab some pizza from the food court in the mall. But, I knew I should get on the road. Then, I realized that I should probably grab some gas for my 50 mile drive. But, I didn't want to spend a lot of money so I got $10. worth. I joked with my mom on the phone that she should pray that I make it to work on time since I was at the pump.
Well, I got on 528 west-bound to Orlando. Everything was going fine. I passed a sign that said I had 9 miles till my exit according to map quest. Then, stand still traffic occurred. It's hard to imagine my care free thoughts at that point to get in the right lane so I could ease my way to the exit and sneak off. I was assuming we’d be inching along until then. I assumed that we were stopping because the toll booths were a mess. I took my wallet out so I could get it ready for the toll. I wanted to be prepared. I got my cell phone out because I wanted to be responsible and tell my job I’d be about 15mins late. I really didn’t know how late I’d be. Plus it was my second time taking 528. Then, I called my mom to randomly update her about sitting for 15mins. I told her about the people getting out of their cars, looking down the road, and shaking their heads. I told her that it must be an accident.
We started inching again, so I got off the phone with her. As I was putting the phone down beside me, a gold car wanted to move in front of me. I let him. This was a key part in not dying this day.
We moved along under 5mph. The police officers were desperately moving all the cars into the right lane. Plus everyone was gawking at the accident as we passed. A semi truck took out the driver in a SUV right beside him. The only thing left to the SUV was the floor and wheels. I felt fortunate not to have been in that vehicle. Going east-bound the semi was across both lanes on the other side and several little cars littered the area having also been hit.
We finally came to the clearing that both lanes were open and I was free to drive on normally. I like to keep a certain distance behind the vehicle in front of me. So, I did head out of the mess a little slower than normal. I saw a wrecked car fly over the median, (cars dispersing from it’s path) hit a median pole reflector, 360, and slam head on into my car.
If I had not let the gold car go in front of me - the timing would have put that car into my side.
My thoughts coming into the clear of the first accident were very disturbing. The first thing I saw was the previous wrecked car hurling towards me. I passed the accident - I wasn’t in the accident, right? I was already going less than 20mph and with two lanes, and the speed of her car - there was 0 chance of me avoiding it.
I closed my eyes and turned my head to the right. I prayed the prayer I pray in my dreams when I’m about to die. I heard the impact. I heard the airbag pop immediately in sync. Then, I got the breath knocked out of me. She later told me that she saw the fear come over my face, that I lifted my right arm and tried to shield myself from her path. When I open my eyes, powder danced around me. I frantically struggled to get out of my car. I was terrified of traffic hitting me from behind. But, when I looked back from outside the car - the cars had stopped (both sides of the road). They were just staring.
The FHP, fire fighters, EMS workers, police officers, etc. were already there because of the first accident. Several witnesses (standstill traffic) jumped out to report what they had seen. The drivers of the other cars she hit ran to my aid. I was shaking, crying, and going in and out of shock.
Her story: She had passed the toll and was picking up speed. She was messing with her cell phone. She did not realize that 1,000 cars had stopped in front of her. Never breaking - she plowed right into them. Somehow, she came over the median after wrecking the fourth car, hit the median reflector pole in my lane 360’ed and ran head on into me. Never did that car slow down until it hit me.
She totaled the front end of my car. Everything that was mounted to the inside of my dash was knocked into the floor. Ie. Radio and such. My wrist to my right arm was beat up. It turned purple, knot, swelling, etc. One of her other victims helped me to get a makeshift sling from a firefighter.
I did go to the hospital with the lady in an ambulance. She apologized and openly admitted herself at fault. They x-rayed my spine, neck, heart, lungs, ribs, wrist, arm, etc. Then, they gave me a tetanus shot. They are making me wear a splint for the week. Then, they are going to do follow up x-rays on my wrist next week. They believe that it’s sprained.
But, I have 0 car. I have missed two days of work over this. AND, we went and got the stuff out of my car today. My uncle gave me vicoden for the pain from the air bag and for my wrist. Believe it or not - it wasn’t strong enough. Then, I did go to my job to show my boss the police report and listing of vehicles she demolished - so they new I wasn’t lying. They gave me my paycheck. Yay! My grandparents took me out to eat.
I want to work tomorrow. Cause you know, Hot Topic is so much fun! John wants to drive down from DC tomorrow to help me out for a week. I don’t want to drive just yet with a rental car. So, he offered to chauffer me around. I told him that I’d pay him something for all the trouble. But he’s bucking at my payment offers. Ah, we’ll see how it goes I guess.
But, I faced one of my biggest fears October 6th . Being in a car accident. But I survived. Thank you Jesus!
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