
Apr 03, 2005 20:16

Back to square 1.

Eddit Izzard and totally unrelated )

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enemma April 4 2005, 04:33:40 UTC
I hate you Kevin. I read "Eddie Izzard" and was like, hey cool and clicked on it, and while the page was loading I forgot why I'd clicked on it and then saw the thingy and spent a confused moment trying to piece together what that had to do with 'some celebrity dude, probably funny'...

...and that's actually a pretty embarrassing train of thought. Um.


love_and_lonely April 4 2005, 22:58:07 UTC
Actually you read "Eddit Izzard"...His straight, Catholic twin.


enemma April 5 2005, 01:05:56 UTC
Yeah, I figured that out after the fact...I just had a frustrated moment where I was like "Eddie Izzard? Wherewherewhere?"


skine April 5 2005, 02:04:33 UTC
Did you hear?! Eddie Izzard died today in a car crash!!

just kidding!!!!


love_and_lonely April 5 2005, 03:02:16 UTC
As did I...Bastard.

Hey...fuck Sarah still has my Eddie Izzard 'Circles'...oh well.


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