Apr 14, 2011 12:10
I had a writing professor once who routinely encouraged us to "follow our obsessions." Whether your mind is preoccupied with your immigrant grandfather's shadowy past or a fantasy world of superhuman proportions or the pursuit of the perfect red lipstick, the important thing is to use your obsessions as fuel for bringing your passions to life. If you care about what you're expressing, chances are others will too.
I can see how this applies to anything we're passionate about in life -- including beauty and style. I've always been fascinated with transformation, of any kind: the miracle of caterpillars morphed into butterflies; the chameleon-like abilities of certain artists/celebrities (like Madonna and now Lady Gaga) to change their entire look in the blink of an eye; the nerdy kid in school who returns from summer break a total hottie; the literal or metaphorical experience of death and rebirth that comes with any major change, from natural disasters to falling in love.
I've been observing my own version of transformation lately and marveling at how quickly things can change. And just like our skin reflects our internal health, our lives reflect our inner state -- our thoughts, beliefs, feelings and self-worth. When my emotional barometer starts plummeting, more often than not I notice disruptions in my appearance as well: breakouts, misbehaving hair, sometimes a case of itchy dermatitis. And conversely, when I'm feeling open and free, I project an external confidence that transcends physical beauty.
I've made a few discoveries of late that have certainly aided my transformation process. One is the Clarisonic Mia. I've heard people sing the praises of the Clarisonic, but couldn't justify spending that much money on a beauty tool I probably wouldn't even faithfully use. There are nights I can't bring myself to do more than slap some jojoba oil on my face, brush my teeth and fall into bed. What the heck would I do with a vibrating skin massager?
Well, now I'm eating my words. A gift certificate helped pad the cost, after my best friend finally convinced me that it's worth it. And now?
I want to marry my Clarisonic Mia.
I haven't missed a night or morning using it since it first arrived. Not only is the one-minute face massage a relaxing treat, but I'm amazed at how soft and smooth my skin feels. Something just looks...different. My pores look a little smaller, my complexion glows a little brighter. Some little areas of discoloration I used to simply ignore are now evening out, and the occasional but persistent blemishes around my hairline have all but disappeared.
Transformation? Yes please.
So what's transforming in your life these days? Beauty or otherwise?
beauty tools,
clarisonic mia,