666, The Number of The Beast...

Jun 19, 2010 18:31

6 more days 'til I'm in San Francisco! It's also 6 days 'til the 1 year anniversary of Michael Jackson's death. :(

I feel like I'm in a whirlwind of modelling lately, but I'm exaggerating - hahaha! My horror shoot for yesterday evening was cancelled due to the really crummy weather (raining the night before then all day and super windy). Boo. :( The photographer was so nice about it as it was her suggestion to cancel because she didn't want me to e sick for my trip. <3 We'll aim to set it up for when I get back. I had a shoot this morning which was a lot of fun and I can't wait to see the results. Then I have another one Monday night. I can definitely see that I'm progressing. I told today's photographer that I like a lot of direction and he said to me, "You're crazy; you're doing it all on your own!" Hahaha! I still like direction though with allowance to try my own stuff to find my way. I wish I had more ideas/suggestions to pitch to photographers though. The few ideas I have I've already done or are pending due to people's schedules or due to my gas mask not arriving yet.

I wanted to go to the St. Norbert's Farmers' Market today, but then Andrew and I went to Starbucks for frappuccinos and we got wrapped up with stuff at home, haha. So, I guess I won't get to go until Canada Day or the Saturday after that. Oh, well.

Hopefully, Andrew and I will get to watch Silent Hill tonight. I've had such a hard-on to watch it for weeks now so I ordered the Blu-ray which just arrived this week. He's never seen it before so that's why I'm waiting for him instead of just watching it on my own. I finally watched Watchmen and really enjoyed it. It gave me at least one idea for a photo shoot, hahaha.

I'm having issues with my limbs lately and it's affecting my sleep. On Thursday night, I got a crazy bout of restless leg syndrome which has never happened to me before (as far as I can remember). Then this afternoon, I was awoken because my arms had that same ache to them. In fact, they still hurt (and it's moved into my shoulders and wrists, too) and I've been awake for over an our now. This is super lame.

There's a new, all-veggie burger joint that's opened in Winnipeg called Boon Burger. A couple of co-workers and I were going to go there yesterday for lunch, but they opened on Thursday and sold out of everything! *lol* So I think we'll go during the week. They make vegan poutine! Can you believe that? I never tried real poutine as it always looked disgusting to me, but I think I'll give the vegan one a shot.

michael jackson, vacation, sleep, modelling

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