So, last Friday night absolutely kicked arse! Like seriously one of the best nights I've EVER had.
I was so gutted to miss the first Bury Your Dead song, but no matter because the following 40 minutes were some of the most hectic of my life. The atmosphere, the noise, the technical ferocity, all of it was just amazing. Finishing the set by having EVERYONE in the room chanting "BURY YOUR FUCKING DEAD" made it a night I'd never forget.
After their set I hung out with a couple of my friends waiting for the next band, when, low and behold, who comes out to the merch stand, but the one of the B.Y.D guitarists, bassist and singer! We hung out with them for a good hour or so and they came to watch Parkway Drive with us aswell.
After all this, Parkway Drive seemed like it'd be a flash in the pan, but no, they were absolutely phenomenal, opening with siren song and relentlessly playing through their set without pausing for thought, they were on FIRE!!!
On the way out after Parkway Drive, I met the other guitarist (Slim) from Bury Your Dead, he reminded me so much of me it was scary. The only differences were I was much hairier, and he has tattoo's (though I hope to be remedying this soon).
I can't wait for October when they are back over here touring with Bring Me The Horizon. With any luck there will be some other awesome bands playing on that tour, heres hoping!!
So, with all that still dwelling over me, I though to myself, there is NO WAY I am letting anything get to me this weekend, so I chilled out, I played guitar, I started to learn some Eric Clapton songs for my upcoming performance at an open mic night near where I live, I watched DVD's, I drank cold beers and ate junk food. It has to of been one of the best weekends in a long long long time. No people bitching on nights out and spoiling it, no random arguments, no regrettable drunken escapades, nope, just me, my guitars and my thoughts.
On Monday I was joined by my mate Kirst for some hot Mario Kart DS action, was a good laugh, though It did get boring beating her over n over n over again. Ah well! Still I've now become slightly addicted to Pokemon Diamond so I think I'm going to have to give my DS to my mum for a while, so I don't fall into the trap!!
This morning I was on time for work, so I played on my DS for like an hour. The weather is gorgeous too so everyone is in a really good mood in the office (me included).
If this week isn't a good week, well you'll all know about it!
Right, so thats that for now, I guess I'll leave you with this;
"Dust To Dust" - Bury Your Dead
And if i ever had a chance to tell you what this meant you would never believe me
So here we are with our heads in the sand,
And all i ever wanted was for you to be proud of me,
All i ever wanted was for you to care
Because now i don’t feel so real to you
When all we are has turned to dust
When all we are has ceased to exist
Just remember, we wanted it this way
And if i ever had a chance to tell you what this meant, you would never believe me
So here we are with our heads in the sand,
And all i ever wanted was for you to be proud of me,
When all we are has turned to dust
When all we are has ceased to exist
Just remember, we wanted it this way