Oh For Fuck Sake ...

Mar 10, 2008 01:26

Currently these things are pissing me off;

the weather

the distance from me to her.

the color orange

nowhere having Kaossilators in stock!!

Vanilla ice cream

elliot minor, fucking talented pretty boy bastards

the fact i have work in the morning

sleeping alone

my lack of the the transformers dvd

bree chug bree chug bree chug chug chug music

the stereotypical scene kid comments that come with the comfort of sports shorts.

my arms

my lack of artistic ability


needing a new hoody, but not finding one i like that isn't black

sound controls useless fucking staff and shitty stock

the lack of space on my ipod

the shit music taking up space on said ipod

mercedes drivers

not being able to find the adaptor for my electric razor

my shit tip of a room

the lack of effort i have to tidy said room

pretentious breakfast cereals

marks and spencers adverts - food porn, and always when im hungry. bastards.

french mustard

shit bands who get signed and then put out a shit record and then go on a shit tour, all the while being supported by infinately better bands

scene girls

scene guys

anyone trying to be one of the above, but still considers themselves individual

people who look at me funny because I have a swear word on my t-shirt

prs guitars

the word 'fornicate'

homeless people on the bus ... where are you going?

national rail and all affiliated companies

visual foxpro 9 .... all the features of 8, but with the added bonus of being fucking useless

the number 69 bus ... its not as fun as it sounds

free texts but no friends

utorrents inability to download any frank zappa without dying on its arse

myspace, facebook and faceparty, and how much of my existence seems to revolve around these sites, regardless of the fact i hate nearly everyone and everything associated with them. including me.

times new roman, what a pointless fucking font, use arial, its better.

WINDOWS FUCKING VISTA!! why oh why oh why, its the worst os EVER, windows 95 dicks on it. windows xp pro for me thanks.

the iphone ..... get fucked

my current stomach ache


thats about it for now I think =) god I love ranting, s'all good!!

life, rant

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