I've been posting at Jassy a lot lately, altho I never used to. My username is ad0rkabl3 if you were wondering.
Seksei Listings got hosted so check it out and submit your site, we've only got 4 listed so far!
Vanilla Ice Boards are doing pretty well, not huge, but we've got a small amount of pretty active members. Check it out if you like message boards!
Well, today we're going to visit my grandpa. he's in the hospital because he had to have surgery...he fell and broke his hip yesterday. He's so thin, no wonder he broke it!
w00t w00t, no school monday! It's a teacher work day or something. We might go to Vala's Pumpkin Patch, but prolly not. My grandma had free passes but since my grandpa's in the hospital we prolly can't go. Darn! It costs too much to get in otherwise.
Ahhh, Craig is still mad at me for the trick that we played on him. yea, we, as in two other people besides me. But he's only mad at me...yea, it's retarded. I know. At least he's talking to me now, he wouldn't talk to me before.
Well, I'm off to work on Confessions, my personal site...I wanna open it soon!
<3 You All.