Big Changes

May 11, 2005 22:12

Heavens to Betsy and Cheese and Crackers!

At the new year I took a new job on campus that was a step above my designation. I really thought I would thrive with new challenges and a new, higher, job classificaiton.
In reality the new job was a NIGHTMARE. The person who had the job before admitted to staying till all hours and coming in on the weekends to get everything done. In reality there was no way that one person could work the normal allotted hours and get everything done.

So I stressed for weeks on end and then just had to quit point blank. Especially after my job review. I started the job just a little bit before the BUSIEST TIME OF THE YEAR FOR THE JOB!! And the director make a big to-do about how I didn't pay attention to the bigger picture for the job. YEAH!!! Maybe because I was totally swamped with the day-to-day demands of the busiest time of the year! As a new person!!!! So I was totally stressed with the job, then I get the icky review and I said fuck it, I am out of there.

I hated my job, and my apartment lease was coming up for renewal. So I decided to move in with my boyfriend and seek a job there. I was offered a new job just ONE WEEK after I left my old job. So I have a new address and a new job. Stress anyone?? Still, better than having no job or place to stay I am sure.

I was out of work for five business days before being offered a new job just five miles away from my boyfriend's house. So here I am in the 'burbs living and working. I am enjoying seeing the boyfriend more than just on the weekend!
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