Saturday, Oct. 25

Nov 05, 2003 16:05

So... after the Friday night of fun I decided to go to a big-ass mall since I was in town. I wanted to go to the Torrid store to check out a cord. skirt. Red drops me off at my car at the pub and he drives off. I turn the ignition key and nothing. I have a few bad moments before I realise that I have the car in drive instead of park. whew!
Off I go to the mall. I get there right at opening time so I snag a good parking spot. I walk into Penney's and immediately spot a neat pair of shoes and try them on. I also tried on several more pairs but I ended up buying the first ones. They are casual black ones to replace my flat loafers. woo hoo!
More shopping fun is had. At one point I go the bathroom at the huge McDonalds at the mall. As I'm leaving I notice that there are phone kiosks right in front of McD's so I decide to call the twins of the previous night. I get no answer but leave a message on the ans machine saying I'll call again later.
A bit later I am in the Apple store using a computer to check my email, when I happen to notice that my purse is no where to be seen!! I am in a panic and nearly faint. I was sure that someone walked off with it while I was engrossed in IMing. I have the Apple workers call the security guard and they call McD's to have them check the bathoom and the info desk cause I had stopped there too. No purse. My purse has my phone card, money, car keys, everything! I am in shock and about to call my sister to have her go to my place to get my spare car key (if my roomies are home, that is) and drive it ALL the way to the mall when a McD manager comes over to me and tells me they found my purse. Oh the relief!! I had left it by the payphone and a worker saw it and took it behind a counter before anyone snatched it. OMG was I relieved! With that crisis over I had a lovely lunch at Ruby Tuesday's. I was eating at the bar cause it was crowded. About halfway through my meal a lady comes up to the bar and asks us sitting there to look around because her brother-in-law had been playing with his wedding band and it flew off in our direction. sheesh! I looked by my feet and I found it! I told the people sitting with the ring-guy about the purse incident and how I was having a very lucky day. I tried to call the twins a couple more times but I got a barely coherent elderly lady. I'm thinking they scammed me. Oh well.

That night I had an extremely lack-luster date but all in all Friday and Saturday were a great deal of fun.
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