Aug 07, 2010 09:50
It has been a while since I posted so here is a lowdown of what has been going on:
1. Laptop died - bought new one
2. Received company bonus - bought 42" TV and home cinema system with Blue Ray
3. Pigs taken to slaughterhouse, butchered and now in chest freezer in the annex - pork very yummy :o)
4. Merlin - Caro's new horse settling in nicely and dressage saddle bought locally.
5. Study room has been finished with oak floor, new skirting boards and door frame - used to be a horrid brown colour :o(
6. I am now responsible for Asset Management reporting directly to the NDA - as well as my day job!! It does mean having to travel a few weeks a year but have been accepted as a member (see new company name format):
Michael Jones ACQI MIAM (Chartered Quality Institute & Institute of Asset Management)
Principal Engineer
Maintenance Authority
7. Navara going well and fitted Grabber AT2's so we can go totally off road across the peatlands in search of the deer rut
This is the short version, everything else has either come and gone or is still in the process of aquisition. Next big task is the horse shelter but we need the get the passport first.