Jun 28, 2003 14:43
it's been very hot out. I love it..but I hate it at the same time.I can stand it until the point where just standing around makes me sweat, and I HATE sweat.So enough of my dislike for sweat..I believe I left off with thursday, am I correct? I think so..Well, I dont remember what I did during the day, but at night I had my meeting with the recruiter from the Marines.The man I talked to on the phone (whose name I still dont think i pronounce right)was leaving while I was on my way in. He was dressed in the uniform..it was reaaaaally nice. Any how, I ended up talking with other ppl instead, and they didn't really give me much 411. I took a mini version of some test that they make you take. I guess I didn't do too bad..they said I was far from failing, and my score was highlighted in green (i guess that's a good sign).They were asking me questions on why I wanted to be a marine, and I couldn't really give them a straight answer because to be honest, I really don't know why. I do in a sense, but I don't know if it is reason enough, and I'm not really getting anywhere in the decision making process. It's a hard decision to make, and I don't want to end up choosing the wrong thing and regreting it. Anyways..Friday I went with my sisters to visit my grandparents and get them on their way to opening up their pool (I will be the first one in for like the 9th year straight if I have to break legs to accomplish it). Then we went to the mall..My sister was taking her sweet ass time and I was getting pissed, but I got a new bathing suit in the long run so i guess it was ok. Then I changed out of my other bathing suit into my new one on the car ride to Daves. I am SO friggan talented it's not even funny.You couldn't even tell that I was changing. Then I went kayaking with Dave. I think I am finally getting the hang of it. I can actually turn my boat around, get in and out of it, annnnnd I'm not at the total opposite side of the pond like last time. It was good times.
I was thinking earlier there is only 13 days until I leave for Australia and there is a few ppl I have yet to see or really talk to since vacation started. I was upset about that at first, then I was like, why should I be bothered by it?? WHY should I give a rats ass about not getting the chance to see/talk to you, when I know it really doesnt bother you?I love just looooove how some people, and I can name one person in general that makes it seem like some of us are friends to her if and only if they have absolutely no one left. I hope you read my journal, and I hope you know that I am talking about you. I hope the way you have ever treated people comes back to bite you in the ass and you have no one left because at the rate you are going you will have no one left and I will not feel sorry for you. I forget what else I had to say..Later.