Jun 19, 2003 21:14
Full Name: Kimberley Ann Rice
Nicknames: kimba,kimmey, skimbelina, skimmey angela, skimmey, skim milk, skim, kimber...i 4get.
Sex: Female
Birthday: 3/27/86
Location: Ma.
Description: brown hair, brown eyes, short, pleasantly plump as i like to call it.
Parents: Jim and Paula
Siblings: Jamie and Ashley
Righty or lefty: righty
Car: my moms..how cool am i??
Hobbies: idk..I dont collect pennies or anything like that...Im more into activities if you will...
Sign: Aries
You go for advice to: ..i dont go to ppl for advice.
You've dreamt about: alot..oh SO much
You tell your dreams to: noone
You tell your secrets to: i tell some to tory.
Preference in Men
Boxers or briefs: boxers? I guess it doesnt really matter as long as they are wearing one of those.
Long or short hair: short ...long makes guys look homely.
Dark or blonde: doesn't matter.
Tall or short: again, doesnt matter.
6 pack or muscular arms: can't we get along just fine with both??
Good guy/Bad guy: good..sorry i dont want to be riding a harley and living out of a card board box.
Ears pierced or not: no
Tan or fair: i like tan..personally, it makes them look more jacked.
Freckles or none: everyone has freckles..there is no getting around that one.
Stubble or neatly shaved: stubble hurts.
Rugged or sportsy: haha idk..
Accent or American: idk accents are hot sometimes..but im pretty sure id get sick of it after a while.
Younger or older: i like same age.
On Relationships
What does your ideal boyfriend look like? idk, 'cause no one ever really gets what they think is ideal.
How does he act? i d k...
Make plans, or go along with him: i'm not good at planning things.
Make the moves or wait: return the move he made on me first - i like torys answer.
What's the first thing you notice in a guy? eyes and smile
Have you been in love? guess youll never know
Chocolate milk or hot chocolate: hot chocolate
McDonald's or Burger King: neither
Coke or Pepsi: diet either
Marry perfect lover or perfect friend: perfect friend
Root beer, Dr. Pepper or Mountain Dew: none
Tea or coffee: hmm..idk depends
Sappy/Action/Comedy/Horror: sappy and comedy
Cats or dogs: i hate pets.
Cooler Ranch or Nacho Cheese: cooler ranch...but doritos are bad for you.
Mud or Jello wrestling: Jello
W/ or w/o ice cubes: with
Rain or shine: shine
Winter/Summer/Fall/Spring: spring, and fall.
Vanilla or Chocolate: vanilla
Skiing or boarding: they are both accidents waiting to happen
Biking or blading: i look like a dink on a bike.
Cake or cookies: cake all the way
Cereal or toast: cereal
Rock/Ska/Punk/Rap/R&B/Alt/Techno/Country/Swing/Folk: folk is just..not right
Night or Day: morning or night
Gloves or mittens: gloves
Bunk or waterbed: waterbed
Gum or hard candy: hard candy
Color: blue yellow white pink
Number: 3,27
Subject: science
Sport to play: xc n track
Drink: water, diet coke.
Animal: im not an animal fan.
Holiday: xmas.
Sound: im not sure..
Band: idk
Song: theres alot.
Radio station: the usual.
Place: i like the beach.
Scent: happiness
Food: food is my true love..i love all food...almost
Fabric: cotton??
Future Plans
What's your house going to look like? it's going to be HUGE
Where are you going to live? im not sure
How many kids? well since im gonna have the record for the worlds longest standing virgin, 0..but if i were to have them...then maybe 3
Animals: none..havent we been through this?
College/University: dont go there.
Job:idk..im all confused.
If I Could...
Move anywhere, where would it be? hmm...CA. NY..i like the city.
Dye your hair, what color? idk..i kind of like being a brunette
Live w/ one person the rest of your life, who would it be? ::shrugs::
You wish you had done, but didn't: i could be here forever.
You're going to do today: i think im hanging out with the one and only Kasey Black.
Did yesterday: worked the track camp, went to wal-mart, picked up my mom, hung out with colleen,bill , gina, and steve.
You plan on doing tomorrow: running, hanging out with davey crockette, and working.
Something that annoys you: ppl who act fake, and pretend...sorry i didnt know how to word that so i didnt sound like a 5 yr old....
What turns you off? ppl that act wicked immature, and the smelly kids.
What amazes you? alot.
First thing you do when you get up: wonder where I am..I tend to forget.
Am I a...
Wuss: most of the time.
Class clown: never
Goody two-shoes: that is kim in a nutshell
Druggy: nope
Alcoholic: nope
Do I/Who Are/Who Is...: come again?
Have a crush: oh yeah.
My friends: i love them, even if they never really seem like they like me the same way....THANKS to those who are only my friend when it is convenient...I love it, i really do, it makes me feel awesome...jk I hope it all comes back to bite you in the ass.